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Everything posted by Gizmokid2005

  1. These issues seem to be *mostly* solved with latest updates - I've been trying for 2 days now to replicate the random C2D issues and so far have been unable to replicate it anymore. I was able to pull a crash log from android shortly after it happened again about 10 days ago. I don't know in what way it would be useful, but it's there at least. Now I just need to figure out how to properly get SafetyNet stuff configured so I can try migrating again. I tried ih8sn but that seems to be unsuccessful.
  2. Guilty pleasures and all that. I've been bouncing between this Pro1X and my OP7 Pro (my current DD phone) trying to make the Pro1x work. Once this is figured out, I need to dig into how to enable safetynet/etc so the few apps that require it can be installed/setup.
  3. Yup, positive. I even ensured it was a factory flash with QFIL before flashing LOS the second time, the first install of LOS had a lot of weird stuff that seemed wrong. I've had it happen with instagram, facebook, and tumblr apps at least - I haven't used much else with any regularity to see if it is prevalent in others yet. OF course, as it does, things haven't crashed since I posted this yesterday either. That's part of why I was asking too, if there's some kind of logging I may be missing, I can use that to hopefully bring some clues. Of course so far it's been stable since I posted
  4. So my Pro1x came last week and I spent time going through and getting LOS flashed and installed and apps transferred/installed. I've run into an issue that I'm not sure if it's rom, hardware, or software. This setup basically mirrors what I'm running on my Oneplus 7Pro, so I know it is otherwise a functional setup. Randomly my Pro1x will close an app back to desktop in the middle of using it like it's crashed, but I don't get any kind of indication that it's crashed and reopening works fine. Also sometimes it'll just go to a black screen, flash my background, and then flash back to a
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