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    • I'll have my replacement screen from Ali next week (after a good month of waiting), we'll see if it has any of the black corners, probably will, as my original one had 2 of them.
    • Note that the frame for Elephone U and Pro1 are NOT the same. PS all after https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006442906382.html in the link is just tracking....
    • I have found this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006442906382.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.33013376R9O4PN&browser_id=464cdc0fa46845cca192376e381078fe&aff_trace_key=a23a4d02d0e940c0b493310149854248-1719437607788-01469&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=pwoahiolkjccauqb193018851ee73f10e5e11a83b4&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis!CZK!1303.07!1303.07!!!54.45!54.45!%40211b80c217308975313546001ed406!12000037183760954!sea!CZ!137075871!X&algo_pvid=899055ce-252a-47a7-895d-9fa45be03ca8 Pro1 display with black frame and it looks like it was connected to pro1...soo it will be maybe calibrated 🙂
    • Interesting observation! Unless I'm completely mistaken AMOLED does not use backlighting though, so it is likely something with the corner LEDs actually technically emitting light, but (for whatever reason) they does not deliver at the output effect they are supposed to.
    • I've had three - the one that came with the phone and 2 Aliexpress replacements. The original had 2 tiny black marks in the corners. The first replacement was flawless. Then the phone fell out of my pocket as I got out of a van and that screen shattered when it hit the ground...the next replacement had one large black spot in a corner. It seems to be that the black spots are areas of dead backlighting, you can still just barely see the content especially in dark rooms with the backlight near minimum.
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