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Another unofficial build of LineageOS 16.0 (for qx1000) is here, celebrating 3 years of support beyond its AOSP EOL. ๐ฅณ At https://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1 Go for the ROM dated 20250203. Changes since last release: Backported fixes up to the "1 January 2025" Android Security Bulletin. Updated system WebView and browser engine to Chromium 132.0.6834.122. Have fun.5 points
So hello ๐ I have today HW/SW modified Blackberry Passport. Maybe it will be my second device...or device just for fun ๐ It works relatively good...yess it is old and yess it have only 3gb ram....but good device. It runs LOS 18.1 (A11). I have one question. Passport have on lineage same problem as was on FX (first custom roms) - multipressing keys. Can anyone help me fix it? Will be needed to add something like key press deelay.4 points
4 points
Lineage-22.1-20250210-NIGHTLY-pro1x with February 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.3 points
Lineage-22.1-20250203-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.3 points
Lineage-22.1-20250127-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.3 points
Hi everyone I think I found a trick to repair my old pro1 keyboard. Facts : -some models have keyboard problems since beginning -some users reported some problems after a few years of use -problems listed are everytime the same : some ghosting touch (example : you type 'a' and nothing appears, or a triple 'a' suddenly pop... -when I removed the keyboard cap (the things with the buttons) a few years ago it solved all keyboards problems, for a few months or so -Completely removing the keyboard "white things" (things with contact touch and led, no idea for the correct name), i3 points
I can confirm (checked with my phone which always complains). Thanks!3 points
An update: TL;DR: I ended up getting the battery to charge after disassembly. EDIT: However the charging circuitry seems to be the fault that originally lead to the battery discharging. I left the phone sitting in a drawer until today, as I didn't have time and wasn't looking forward to disassembly. I felt like I was in the mood today and that I had nothing to lose, even if I broke something along the way. I followed this guide by the way (read all of the tips, as the author is very correct): https://github.com/imax9000/fxtec-pro1-teardown I managed to not do too much cosme3 points
I just tested on my Pro1x with LOS. I think it works there. That is (just to confirm I know what is being talked about). I added Dansk (Denmark) to my list of system languages (the main one is US English). When I go to type in an editor, I am typing in English. and then I hold the yellow arrow and press spacebar and I get a notification that I am now typing in Dansk and I can get that weird ae mashup ;-). I can use the yellow arrow spacebar as a toggle between the two. Doesn't work on my Pro1. yellow arrow + spacebar pulls up search. Don't know why. My Pro1 is currently Google Free2 points
Lineage-22.1-20250208-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 (2025) security patch, installed smoothly using OTA2 points
Lineage-22.1-20250201-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 (2025) security patch, installed smoothly using OTA2 points
(lineage-22.1-20250201-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.2 points
(lineage-22.1-20250125-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.2 points
verizon will only work with LTE. VoLTE should be toggled on. CDMA is no longer used by verizon and GSM isn't used by them2 points
Lineage-22.1-20250125-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 (2025) security patch, installed smoothly using OTA2 points
Android Auto worked two out of two times for me with todays update.2 points
Lineage-22.1-20250120-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.2 points
I have a Pro1x that I'm considering just donating to someone for parts as it has a few issues that are likely beyond my capability to fix. I am located in Australia. I won't be messing around with international shipping. So I do have a SIM card tray if you happen to be in Australia.2 points
I also still have a working Pro1 which I used do flash the Touchscreen driver, also located in EU like @CornholioGSM, DM me here or via our Discord server if you want me to flash your screen.2 points
It stopped working again. Let's hope for a Lineage, or app update. Other phones seem to have the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/LineageOS/comments/1i2hi9y/android_auto_broken_after_update_from_los_21_to/2 points
The only way of "upgrading" is installing LineageOS 22, which will give you the equivalent of Android 15. Since LIneageOS re-uses most of the device drivers from stock Android 9, it is unlikely that audio or camera quality will be improved. At least I do not know of any such updates. That being said, a recent LineageOS will give you all those Android security patches since 2020, which is of quite some value in itself ...2 points
Back to PC it seems. For me personally it means that I again carry around my notebook all the time. It was nice to restart servers from my phone. I know this is still possible, but the touchscreen-hassle makes it impossible to do it properly.2 points
I must be one of the lucky ones. I was an early backer because I wanted the best deals on Indiegogo. I received my Pro1 and my Blue Pro 1 X early. I received the Pro 1 X almost a full year before Covid hit and all the shipment emails of back orders for other people's phones started arriving. To this day, both phones are snappy and work great. However, the real power of physical keyboard is from the Google Play Store app named Keyboard Mapper. The app is awesome. I always use physical keyboard shortcuts to open Apps, write -out/remember passwords, addresses, phone numbers, or common pre-written2 points
I split out the Android Auto discussion, Just seemed like something that needed it's own focus rather than being buried in here, Hope no one minds.2 points
Congrats. ๐ I once documented my very similar procedure here: This was before the rubber-band trick was discovered, so I hadn't tested if that would have worked in my case. At the time, I also measured 0 V between the pins, but you are probably right, that the internal protection disconnects the cell below some critical value. My Pro1-X has been working fine since (though I do not use it much anymore).2 points
https://liliputing.com/sugar-cubes-n97-elite-reimagines-the-nokia-n97-smartphone-as-a-handheld-game-console/1 point
(lineage-22.1-20250208-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.1 point
@CornholioGSMCan the bootloader be unlocked for the Blackberry Priv now too? I flipped through the Discord pages on these Blackberry projects, and although there was a guy claiming he had unlocked the Priv bootloader 6 months ago and promised a "How To" manual, nothing seemed to have followed. First he claimed it required a new EMMC soldered in with a patched rom, then he claimed a subsequent software-only exploit. No patch files visible to me anywhere on the Discord, though. I'd love to get my Priv going again with LOS.1 point
Looks as if they pulled it off--the first proof I've seen of the phone truly functioning. Love the text rendering, a Kindle party, but not sure about e-ink browsing, etc. Well, they said it was going to be minimal...1 point
I just did the January 27 OTA on my first pro1x, and root was NOT maintained. This is the first time I tried an OTA after the manual installation of this version of LOS. I had followed the normal Magisk install instructions in the app, instead of initially sideloading the patched boot file or whatever deprecated method it was that I had done to initially root the last version of LOS. Now I forget exactly what secret sauce it was, but it was the only thing preserving root with OTA for me in the last version of LOS. I remember Hook rubbished me for it as being unnecessary when I posted abou1 point
It seems that the connection is only working, when the phone is connected via bluetooth first.1 point
The respective fix for the Pro1 is here: https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998/+/318274 Note that this is specific to the qx1000.c keyboard driver in android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998, it won't be directly applicable to another device.1 point
Just the opposite. It was able to boot properly at 1%. When I said it went off, I meant the screen turned off, but I could turn the screen right back on, And it did charge pretty rapidly. Slowed down once it hit 90% but took not much time getting to 90. And not hot.1 point
I agree It's experimental, but sure I will report here if it works and then find a way to make this in a cleaner way. I updated the last LOS and my two yellows key doesn't work anymore. Not a big deal as shift also works, but unclear if it's a software issue or if I broke something. The rest of the keyboard works like a charme.1 point
I still had an open ticket in their Zendesk, so I was responding to that. I am not sure what the deal is now.1 point
(lineage-22.1-20250118-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-15.0.0-arm64-20240928_150548) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.1 point
to @DoctorClu, I agree with @claude0001, but LineageOS also has it drawbacks, over stock, though for some they might not matter. Pros and cons.... Personally the lack of multiple key-layouts, that was broke a few versions ago, makes it almost useless for me (use it for tests only). And there might be some app that have very high security requirements that might not work.Could e.g. be bank apps, or some apps for putting official papers like drivers licence or similar identification apps on the phone. Some might work fine though, but not all.1 point
I have good cable - with this cable was it working when i was on lineage 211 point
This is ridiculous. I understand that F(x)tec are low on resources, but Let's Encrypt certificates are available for free! They literally would only need to run the 'certbot renew' command. I can only hope they will pass on the contents of this forum to the community in some way before the server goes down, otherwise all the (mostly unofficial) info on the Pro1/Pro1-X we have collected here will be lost ...1 point
Lineage-22.1-20250113-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained.1 point
Yeah, I've used multiple chargers and cords, hasn't made a difference. Powered off or powered on it doesn't seem to be charging. It powers on when I plug it in, so can't see if it charges when powered down.0 points
Rubber band worked for me, but now my battery shows 1% - plugged in, can't charge right now. Occasionally it will go up to 35 to 65 percent, but if unplugged it drops to 1 almost immediately. Not sure if it's software or hardware related. It does turn off after a bit if I unplug it. Anyone else experiencing this?0 points
Okay, this is just weird. I have a second Pro1x that I have kept on Stock so that I can try and answer questions about stock. I have tried to make sure I charged it every so often, but, sure enough, during another very hectic time, I failed to do so and it would not turn on this morning. So, I plugged it in (using my usb cable from my Pixel plugged into an Anker fast charging wall plug, if it matters, not the FxTec brick). It booted up, showed 1% battery (first mystery... how was it able to fully boot at 1%) and said "charging rapidly," Then the screen went off. I figured, that w0 points
Ok I tried KeyPress Event. Yellow touch doesn't report any signal or change, either the "Fxtec Yellow touch" doesn't. But the Fxtec-Yellow-Touch" works as expected, Fxtec + N or so send the good shorcut as expected. This means I have broken something. Not a big deal as this yellow touch are duplicated with shift touch and I can also use Keymapper to create a new shortcut for the only missing touch aka "?" Whatever it will work or not, the pro1 remains a strange phone.0 points
Hi, good to hear they're a still responding. Just for clarification: did you send the mail to [email protected]? I ask because i wrote several mails since the last update from indigogo (one mail in September 2024, one in december 2024 and one a few minutes ago) , all to [email protected] and haven't recieved any response what so ever. Is there any other mail adress or channel i could try? I'm also one of the original backers who havn't recieved his phone yet.0 points
I tried to pull out the APK for the Pro1 and use it on the Pro1X, but it did not work. adb pull /system/priv-app/Launcher3QuickStep/Launcher3QuickStep.apk Launcher3QuickStep.zip0 points
My best suggestion is LineageOS on your Pro1/Pro1X, as this is Android15, so should be supported a few years yet by most apps.... But indeed for new hardware we are in a limbo, And i really doubt that anyone will attempt making a new one - though I still hope for it....0 points