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Posts posted by Nik

  1. Hello good people.

    There are many on this forum that are happily enjoying their FX Pro's and there are some that have had sub par experiences with their phones. And then there are those that have no product to speak of.  It appeared to be a nice niche product for tech nerds 2 years ago but now its outdated tech, and "unholy grail"

    There are many of us here with long email chains from "Franciso" with placating replies to us all. I personally have requested a refund and was promptly stated that order was changed. After months of waiting and many other emails from "Franciso" stating their finance department was working on it I changed my order again and was promptly told it would be.

    I think we are all at out wits end trying to get a substantiative answer from FXtec.

    There are several posts regarding people waiting on orders and cancellations. 

    Can everyone thats still waiting on an order or that has cancelled an order reply to this post and state when you have put in your order.

    Here is mine,

    Order #64**6 was placed on August 10, 2022 and is currently Processing.

    Here is mine,

    That's almost 15months!

    Anyone waiting longer??

    And Yes I have tried cancelling through my CC company but being in the Oceanic region the bank says they cannot do anything about it!


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