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KasperT last won the day on September 16

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  1. I've had this error too. It did fix itself after like 2 weeks of use. Would imagine it could be battery related. I only slow charge it through my laptop USB-port, never let it go below 10% and avoid charging it to more than 90%. Maybe try 'beeing kind to the battery' could fix your issue too?
  2. Think it’s time for me to join the action. I’ve got a Pro1x in daily use since July, stock Android 11. I’m located in Denmark, ’Telia/Telenor’ network if anyone wonders. In the time I’ve had it, I’ve been on vacation driving through both Germany, Austria and eventually Italy. I haven’t had a single connection issue anytime, other than sending MMS from Italy didn’t seem to work. Positives: No network issues No hardware issues No issues calling/receiving calls. Texts also fine. Build quality is decent. Only the buttons on the side are a bit flimpsy. Batter
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