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Everything posted by Suomalainen

  1. doktor.oswaldo, as EskeRahn stated above; if you had the character E behind an Alt key in your keyboard, how'd you find typing then? I'll translate that simple sentence to Finnish to show how frequently we use the umlaut characters: doktor.oswaldo, kuten EskeRahn sanoi yläpuolella, jos sinulla olisi näppäin E Alt-näppäimen takana näppäimistössäsi, niin minkälaiselta kirjoittaminen tuntuisi tällöin?
  2. I give my vote to maki.jouni's layout, but I understand that F(x)tec needs to think about money so EskeRahn's suggestion would also be acceptable. When I used a Motorola DROID 4, I painted Ä and Ö with my gf's nail polish and it's still on the keys, never flaked off unlike some other white paints I tried.
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