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Posts posted by ka_steve

  1. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of possible customers for a QWERTY phone who can't buy this one, so they won't show up in the sales statistics, so I just wanted to give a sign that we are here.

    For me the only reason I can't buy this phone is its lackluster camera. I'd *love* to have a full QWERTY keyboard again, I used my Motorola Droid until it died and I loved it. But in 2020 the two most important thing I use my phone for as a programmer/blogger digital nomad are typing and taking photos/videos. With a Samsung Galaxy I can take pretty good photos, but the typing is slow and annoying, so I have to use my laptop for longer texts. But I have a laptop, so I can use that for typing. I wish I wouldn't have to, but I can. But I don't have any other cameras and I'm not going to buy one. So the thing is that I can compensate for a lackluster input method but I couldn't for a lackluster camera. 

    But boy, do I wish for a really Pro phone that has a "pro" keyboard and a "pro" camera. I don't even need anything else, I don't mind a mediocre cpu or old screen or anything, just a keyboard and a flagship camera would be enough for me to pay full flagship price for that phone.

    And I know the main question the company has to answer is "are qwerty keyboards financially viable on the current market?" with the Pro 1, but please don't forget to take those people into consideration who would pay a premium markup for the keyboard but can't buy the Pro 1 for some other reason then the keyboard.

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