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  1. Yeah, that (and that it was listed as in development) is what prompted my inquiry. I really hope there is a future for it.
  2. Well, I only asked because the Windows 10 logo is shown on the product info for OS that are coming......
  3. Well, the inly significant difference was the lack of Win32 apis for x86 since it was compiled solely for ARM processors. Indeed, it was originally developed as MS's ARM Windows 10 development and was slated to ship on ARM tablets. So, in that way it is even less divergent than Windows 10 (desktop) since it is the Windows 10 ARM deployment. Either way, Windows 10 Mobile ARM or Windows 10 Desktop ARM will work in my environment as our tools leverage either since they function the same on both.
  4. Yeah, it works well on the HP Elite X3 I currently have and on the Alcatel Idol 4S I have also used. The Elite X3 is a better experience but that is due to HP's work on their specific software. The Idol 4S is a much more "stock" implementation and it was still a rock solid experience. Really, Windows 10 on phones has been better than on the desktop.
  5. So, I indegogo'd the Pro1 X with Ubuntu because it will be the closest to the phone that would be ideal for my usage case. However, my work environment would make Windows 10 a much easier integration (easier than Android and iOS) and I will be coming from an HP Elite X3 running Windows 10. So, my question is...how likely is the Windows 10 development to actually materialize. I hate to say it, but in my use case Windows (and Windows 10) on phones has been an actually great phone OS for me. So, kind of interested in how/what the development plan is. Thanks!
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