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  1. Thanks very much! That's works! I updated my USB Driver via Windows Update Database, make a factory reset on the Pro1X and try to start the fastboot flashing three times... now it's locked! Crazy... maybe one of the problems was the complete data transfer between my old blackberry and the Pro1X, who knows 🤷‍♂ Now I can explore the Pro1X completely 😃🤓
  2. Thanks for your quick answer. I tried a couple of cable and all usb ports on my Laptop incl. an usb hub. It's unlikely the same situation The ADB work, the phone will be found, the "reboot bootloader" order do what it has to do. My laptop give the sounds, that an usb devices is disconnected and connected. But after the bootloader screen is shown on the Pro1X nothing happend. It doesn't matter if I try "adb devices" or "fastboot devices" or anything else. The phone give absolutly no response and PowerShell hang on and waiting for any device... Maybe a picture will help:
  3. Hey community, it's my first time after long time ago - last time was with the good old Motorola Droid 4 - to work with the developer tools. So I try to lock my Pro1X with the step by step manual. But at step 5, when I enter in the PowerShell command line: "Then, enter the following command: fastboot flashing lock" - absolutly nothing happend on the device. PowerShell show me only the words "< waiting for any device >" Did I anything wrong or can anybody help me, what I have to do to lock my Android? Thanks!
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