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Posts posted by L.David

  1. Hey Guys

    I own an ender 5 pro (just stating for results)

    I just got my F(x)tec pro 1 x yesterday (second hand, no damage at all on it but seems to have issues with not turning back on, needing soft resetting to get it going).

    I am going to print a TPU gel split case like the above pink one, which I will try 100% infill, 85% infill, 75% infill and 65% infill


    My thoughts are it would be bouncy if it has space not filled with gel (ie air gaps, any really flexible plastic material would have some give too for those questioning how to print abs/pla etc)...

    More give, should mean drop resistance would be improved (at some point you can have too much space to create "give" or "bounce", so I have to find a balance)


    Serious question to all in here, because it's close to US$1000 for a new phone (700-900 for a used one), when I have perfected the prints and need to do drop testing, I will need a device to test drop capabilities on until it dies... to get the best possible case for us all.

    I am suggesting we crowd fund to get this perfect.

    I'm happy to sacrifice my phone, and use the funding mentioned to fund the TPU for testing, and hopefully put something back in my pocket to replace my test model.

    I will give any one who backs me, a case free (just need you to cover shipping costs), but if we get enough funds together for me to do a replacement phone, then I am happy to test this on 1m, 1.5 and 2.0m drops, if I get enough to test 2 phones then I will do so.

    I will film the drops for us to all wince as we see our future fears hit the floor 😅

    Any thoughts about the laws of gravity, TPU printing and orientation (direction of the lines may need to be a particular direction for a stronger hold on the phone)?

    I will order TPU on Monday, active conversation is heavily requested as I want us to have a product that is perfect or damn close to... or so good that we don't need to get a mould and pay a plastic injection company to make this... so good that we can say it was made entirely in a western country!

    I can even find some Australian, US or British TPU probably

    I am waffling on now... so how many takers do we have?


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