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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2022 in Posts

  1. So I fixed my keyboard issue. Hastily way. Since beginnings I had to press hard on several keys, wich is incompatible with a real use of the keyboard. Mainly letters 'a', 'e', 'm', 'h' (and mny more)...are swallowed. But sometimes it has worked as expected (not often), and sometimes it's a real pain (often). Average : a bad experience Example with taping this as fast as possible : "Les chiens aboient la caravane passe" Ls cins aboint la caravan passe Ls chiens aboint l crvane passe Ls cins abint la caaravan pass Digging into software doesn't help to find a workaround
    1 point
  2. I made an account just to say that just tightening the screws fixed most of my keyboard issues with my pro1! I was having issues with the m, e, d, l keys, but no longer! =D Thanks for the write up! I'll post if I find out anything else Edit, seems to be only a partial fix. I do still get double presses on the e and l still, but it is much much rarer!
    1 point
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