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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2023 in Posts

  1. No, I think you got me wrong. No offence but, like many, you do not seem to understand what "Linux" really is. Do not worry, you are not alone in this. Especially people with many years of experience in running Linux on x86/64 servers or workstations often make wrong assumptions when it comes to embedded systems, like phones. Android does use a real Linux kernel, and thus is a true Linux system. You can grab its kernel source from kernel.org, configure it to you liking and create your own custom ROMs based on it. The only limitation is that you practically can only run the single major ke
    5 points
  2. Honestly with how this device turns out. I am no where near the idea of using this as a phone. My original goal was to have primarily a pocket computer that just happens to be able to make calls and text. Now, my only use for it is a pocket computer. I only care about the keyboard, screen, and speakers really. I won't be using the camera much as my real phone has a way better one anyway. Fingerprint would be nice, but definitely can do without. I would love to be able to run plain old linux on it (I am seeing that my understanding was correct, that "mainline" linux is just that).
    1 point
  3. These issues seem to be *mostly* solved with latest updates - I've been trying for 2 days now to replicate the random C2D issues and so far have been unable to replicate it anymore. I was able to pull a crash log from android shortly after it happened again about 10 days ago. I don't know in what way it would be useful, but it's there at least. Now I just need to figure out how to properly get SafetyNet stuff configured so I can try migrating again. I tried ih8sn but that seems to be unsuccessful.
    1 point
  4. Droidian, like all functional alternative OS's for the Pro1X (Ubuntu, Sailfish, Droidian), works by specifically not using the "mainline" (i.e. upstream) Linux kernel. Under the hood, they all run a minimal version of Android 11, including its original (downstream) kernel version and closed-source driver binaries. That hidden Android OS is then interfaced from the GNU userspace via middleware layers like Halium and libhybris. While this technically works well, it also means that critical bugs in the driver blobs are present in these OS's just as if you were running the original Android 11 OS t
    1 point
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