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Martti Muukkonen

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Posts posted by Martti Muukkonen

  1. In their latest Indiegogo update Fxtec informed that "However, we are no longer able to include the spare batteries in these shipments as they have been in storage for a while and may not perform optimally. Instead, we’ll be replacing these with Fxtec earphones with adjustable eartips."

    Now, I'd like to know
    a) is Fxtec sending new batteries at all if the ones in our phones do not work?
    b) at least, if Fxtec avoids its responsibilities, what are the specifics and type number of the batteries in our phones?
    c) as many have complained that batteries drain rather quicly, are there other battery options than these what are now inside our phones?

  2. Is there anywhere a decent manual for Pro1x? Or the previous version? There are both technical problems and program problems that I cannot solve.
    BTW: Finnish keyboard does not work. Fortunatelly Swedish keyboard it the same and it works. However, I don't know whether the functional keys work or not.

  3. I got my phone - and it worked two weeks 😞 Fxtec haven't answered my emails and FB-message got automatic reply that they are not at workplace 😞 😞 Thus, I waited almost a month and wondered what to do to my phone...
    However, one of my friends made me try a laptop charger with USB-C - and, surprise, surprise, the battery loaded and now it works.

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