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Everything posted by rotesatom

  1. @EskeRahn & @cash, thank you both for your replies. I'm not sure about their Zendesk System. I never actively used a specific ticket system, so the question is: if i write an e-amil to the info mail address will there be an ticket opend automatically?
  2. Hi, good to hear they're a still responding. Just for clarification: did you send the mail to [email protected]? I ask because i wrote several mails since the last update from indigogo (one mail in September 2024, one in december 2024 and one a few minutes ago) , all to [email protected] and haven't recieved any response what so ever. Is there any other mail adress or channel i could try? I'm also one of the original backers who havn't recieved his phone yet.
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