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Everything posted by richardlondon

  1. Apologies for the poor quality photo but it was taken on a Blackberry Classic. Here is the Pro1 lined up against my KeyOne (sporting a clear flexi-plastic case) for reference. The two are pretty much the same size. I wouldn't notice the difference.
  2. I attended the event, my phone history is that I've had two Nokia E7s, but then had to switch to Blackberrys, initially a Classic and then a KeyOne so I was interested to view the Pro1. I think there were about twenty people there, all in all, along with the guys from F(x)tec. There was a brief intro from the team and then we had a hands on with the Pro1. There were I think five (or so) devices for us to get to use. I can give specifics if anyone has any, but first thoughts: I only used a limited number of apps, but there didn't seem any lag Screen was bright, clear and sharp.
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