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Everything posted by Ilya

  1. Thank you all for your replies. It ended yesterday - two days ago I got an answer, and my order was cancelled with a refund (it took some time). So, all I can do now is to say "good luck" to fxtec team and to their customers.
  2. Hello, everyone. I'm not sure should I continue an existing topic or start this one. I would like to begin with saying that I'm really impressed and appreciate F(x)tec team efforts. When a small company is willing to do what the giants abandoned, it's worthy to respect. One should carefully read this forum before making a purchase, but then I thought I had no choice if I want a phone with a keyboard. So, I placed an order when my Blackberry finally died. Order page said (and still says) about 10-12 weeks shipping . 129 days later the order still had "processing" status. Unfortunately, I c
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