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Posts posted by ExplEngineer

  1. I thought that the Unihertz Titan Pocket would be the first choice, however, since ATT not only does not "Whitelist" it, their Tech. Support has told me that on their network it really won't work as well as an old EOL Blackberry, and according to the same source said that while Uniherz may be trying to work things out with AT&T, AT&T is not really trying to work things out with Uniherz, and may actually, in the not too distant future actually block the Titan Pocket, and perhaps the entire Uniherz series of phones, from its network. TMobile is a bit more flexible on this count, however, even their Tech Support is not really enthusiastic about trying to use the Titan Pocket on their network. Both were pretty vague about issues relating to 5G, or if there were some other factors as well. I just hate to spend ~$300.00 on a cell phone that I am not even sure will be supported by the networks (AT&T + TMobile) for which I need a reliable future for their accessibility.

    Given the issues that all of the above have been kind enough to address, I almost feel constrained in an attempted selection of a PKB cell phone at the present time. What are your thoughts on the use of a separate and independent Bluetooth keyboard, and do you know of any of them that are smaller than the "big brick" Samsung Phones that AT&T + TMobile have provided to me? The only phone that is the appropriate size for me to carry at all times is the iPhone 13 Mini that I was provided. It does just fine for a lot of things, just not for "the lot of things" that require keyboard entries, e.g Text Messages, eMail, and "Google Searches"., especially since there are real consequences that can occur from such things as a misplaced decimal point, or perhaps an erroneous alpha or numeric character in describing or recommending a chemical, i.e. Pharmaceutical, product or compound within the text of any message being sent? 🩺🎯

  2. There is a lot of wisdom, and interesting topics for when I have time to read, BUT ALL THAT I AM TRYING TO DO RIGHT NOW IS REPLACE MY "EOL" BLACKBERRY WITH AN ANDROID PHONE THAT HAS A TACTILE PKB,  NOTHING MORE, OR LESS THAN THAT,  

    I am an absolute New Guy in this Community, please feel free to check my posted bio if it will help to better understand my pattern(s) of mistakes, and perhaps even overlook them. I have most of this afternoon, except for my Service Dog Bentley's off-duty playtime (I wish that I also had some of that playtime right now) as one might think of me as being a low-IQ wanderer rather than the LOST BABY-BOOMER, whose weakness is in understanding all of this technical language, hopefully, I shall overcome that failing, so hopefully, the postings and answers to this thread will be precise, in ordinary ILO "Technical" language.

    My requirements for the device that I am seeking are as SIMPLE as I am in this field of endeavor.

    • Android OS (hopefully the latest version of being capable of being upgraded to the latest, and subsequent Android OS modifications)
    • Physical Keyboard (PKB) as all of the "latest and greatest" new phones seem to come in only the Virtual Keyboard (VKB). I watch my grandsons type away on those keyboards at a speed that I would have expected of my secretary (had I not assumed "Of Counsel" to the firm that I founded more than twenty (>20) years ago and no longer have a full-time secretary to clean up the mess that I make, even when using a full-size keyboard with my desktop computer). The PKB on my Blackberry Classic reduced my typographical errors in things like Text Messages by approximately ninety percent (90%) when compared with any of the wide variety of cell phones that I have either owned or given up on over the last few years. I now even have to dictate ("Speech to Text") mundane text messages.
    • I really need a cell phone that is less than is 6"x2.75" if possible. Right now I have two (2) "five-G" (5G) Samsung phones that are about that size indicated and I still have a terrible time trying to type on their VKB, even given the expanded size of the keys on the VKB which I assume constitutes the predication for the dimensions of these phones.
    • NLT 128GB + 8 GB RAM (I think I have expressed those requirements correctly)
    • NLT a 12MP Primary Camera

    Hopefully, these simple requirements are available in a simple, functional cell phone device, and as a result of the shared wisdom contained in the responses I will be able to actually figure out which one works best for me sometime in the not too distant future as I am facing something like a two (2) week deadline as I need to be "field work ready" at that time.


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