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"Main Website" contains links mainly to "Pro¹X" information but "Community" only has a tab for "Pro¹"

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"Main Website" contains links mainly to "Pro¹X" information but "Community" only has a tab for "Pro¹"



Navigation of the "Main Website" and the "Community" website is difficult.  Currently, most links link to the Pro¹X instead of the Pro¹.  If, for example, a user needs specification information about the Pro¹, the user must first access the "Community" link in the header of the "Main Website", then click on the "Pro¹" tab to access its features page.

The disjointed websites need to be updated to ensure a quality customer experience.



On the "Main Website" (https://www.fxtec.com/), most links to more information about the "Pro¹" are instead links to the "Pro¹X".

The following links on the "Main Website" (https://www.fxtec.com/) link to https://www.fxtec.com/pro1x.html:

  • In the header, both "Pro¹X" and "Shop"
  • In the top of the page below the header, with the following text, both the "Learn More" and "Buy Now" buttons
    • F(x)tec Pro¹
      Function is key
      More than just a smartphone. Functionality to do more.
  • In the "Function has never been so stunning." section, the "Learn More" button
  • In the footer, in the "Pro¹" section, the "Features" link


On the "Community" website (https://community.fxtec.com/:


In general, there is another issue that is more a matter of style to some and obfuscation to others: links to information about the Pro¹ use URLs such as [website/page/] whereas links to information about the Pro¹X use URLs such as [webpage/page.html]; some use [website/page] as well.  This needs to be consistent for all links, with exception to the forum's threads.

  • Using a consistent link style will greatly ease automated testing of the website, such as with selenium and bs4



On the "Main Website":

  • In the header:
  • In the footer:
    • In the "Pro¹" section:
      • change "Features" to link to https://www.fxtec.com/pro1
      • re-title "Pre-Order" to "Order", unless there is an ongoing pre-order for the Pro¹
    • Add a "Pro¹X" section:
      • link its "Features" to https://www.fxtec.com/pro1x.html
      • link its "Pre-Order" to the IGG campaign
        • at some point, it may make sense to copy the IGG campaign to your website in the event it is removed from its original website
    • Unless there is a way to filter each of them for either the Pro¹ or the Pro¹X, move the "News", "Community", "Support", and "Contact Us" links to the "About" section and increase the "About" section from one column to two columns
  • On https://www.fxtec.com/pro1:
    • ensure all of the links pertain solely to the Pro¹, not the Pro¹X
    • re-title the "Pre-Order Now" button to "Order Now", unless there is an ongoing pre-order for the Pro¹
  • On the default page, which indicates information about the Pro¹, ensure all of the links pertain solely to the Pro¹, not the Pro¹X


On the "Community" website:


In general, use a consistent link style of either [website/page/] or [website/page.html] or [website/page].



  • customer experience
  • design defect
  • navigation
  • website
  • quality assurance



  • Edit 1: I mistakenly thought the "https://" links would convert from plain text on submission; fixed.
  • Edit 2: Added a missing URL
  • Edit 3: Added third extant link style
  • Edit 4: Unfortunately, there is no way to disable automatic conversion of emoticons, which is the reason for the additional spaces between ")" and ":" in the "Community" sub section of the "Cause" section.
Edited by jmcleod
See "Edits" section of post
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