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Pro 1 Demo? (Greater London UK)

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Hi everyone,

I'm a bit of a die hard BlackBerry guy having previously had the priv, keyone and now key2. Despite onward mobility seemingly being alive again and promising a phone someday.. My current key2 is dying a slow and painful death.

I had never heard about fxtec until a week or two back, but the pro1 / x look pretty interesting.  I'm a very basic non power user so most of the concerns about camera quality etc don't worry me.

What does worry me is making an expensive mistake. A landscape keyboard layout is very different to the portrait blackberry one. I was hoping to try one out for 10 minutes as I am near to the the Fxtec offices in the UK but they are entirely disinterested in this and just point me at YouTube. (Thanks..hadn't thought of that at all ever...)

My question is - is there anyone around London UK who has a pro 1 that I could have a quick play with?! (In a covid safe manner!!)

Any assistance very greatly appreciated. 

Thoughts from previous BlackBerry android users also very much welcome.




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