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Reinstall from scratch changing OS

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Hi all,

I'm a newbie about phone, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.

I'm planning to buy a fxtec pro1x with LineageOS.  I neve used this OS, so there is the chance we don't like each other.

I assume it will be possible to reinstall pro1x from scratch changing OS from LineageOS to Android (or maybe Ubuntu Touch) without the need for FXtec support. I'm not afraid to try the process by myself, as long as some documentation is available. Is this correct?

Thanks you




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We don't have experience with Pro1X yet but based on Pro1 experience, you may switch between OSes relatively easily (but it may need some technical interest).

However, if stock Android means the very same kind of stock Android what Pro1 has (so really Android itself and only necessary modifications), then I would say you don't really need it.
I mean LineageOS is much superior in any ways than Pro1's stock OS.

However, it also has its own limitations like the lack of official Google support which may need to use additional tools to get the OS accepted by Google services.

...but other than that, LineageOS is a much usable OS for Pro1 than its stock OS and stock Android is really pure... too pure... I mean general Android lacks a plenty of features.

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