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Charging a Pro1 battery when the USB port doesn't work

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Posted (edited)
On 6/3/2023 at 5:03 PM, EskeRahn said:

This is awesome news! David. Tanks.
The big question is what connector the Pro1X uses, as they say the batteries are incompatible - but that might be the physical shape or the position of the connector, not the connector it self.

We really need something to fairly easy charge the Pro1X, unless they by firmware can fix that the Pro1X does not shut down in time, but can deplete it self.

I don't know if anyone else has found the answer to this in the past year, but I now know what connector the Pro1X battery is compatible with.  I had to disassemble my Pro1X for a non-battery related issue (bad display ribbon cable).  It is a Huawei P9 connector.  That may be used by other phones too, but that is the label on one of my charging boards.  You can see this as port 24, on the green charging board, in the image in the second post in this thread.  My other charging board, the blue Sunshine SS-909, also has this connector on the board labeled C1.  It is the 3rd port from the bottom (when C1 is upright and the micro USB port is at the top).  You can see this board in one of my posts from June 3, 2023, in this thread.

I did have to drain the battery down a bit before the green board would charge it.  That one doesn't charge these batteries all the way to capacity, thus considers the charging done before reaching full capacity.  The fancier Sunshine board charged it just fine.  The Sunshine board also worked with 3 different USB chargers.  I believe the green board wouldn't charge it with an old, 500 mA USB charger, even once the battery was depleted enough to allow charging with that board.

For anyone else using that green board, or a similar board, if the battery is too full for the board or your USB charger isn't compatible with it, here are the symptoms:  You'll see the voltage of the battery displayed on the LED panel once you connect it, but you won't see a current value or a jump in voltage when you plug it into a USB charger.

Heading out of town, but I will try to add some photos when I get back.

Edited by david
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