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Where do I send the phone to have its screen repaired?

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9 hours ago, kei said:

My fx pro 1 fell on the screen and broke, where should I send to fix it? since the keyboard is in the way?

Not sure what you mean by "the keyboard is in the way." The screen part is easy to deal with as it only involves 5 screws. 

You can email fxtec at [email protected] to see if they have replacement screens for the Pro1 (They don't for the Pro1x, but they may for the Pro 1). 

You can also find the display on Alie Express, here ( I bought this one but haven't needed to try and install it yet):


This includes the proper frame, I believe.  If this link is ever out, you can look for Elephone U Pro displays, but don't buy ones with the Elephone U frame as they are different even though the display is the same. 

Here is a video for changing the display:


I don't think there is a need to send your phone back to London since, being a Pro1, it is no longer under warranty (wouldn't matter anyway as a broken screen isn't covered).  It is a fairly easy swap to make and even a local shop can probably do it if they don't refuse anything that's not an iPhone, Samsung or Pixel.

Good luck

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