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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2022 in Posts

  1. I'm a backer too, and as backers we have invevested, hoping in getting the device cheap. A lot of things has happened since, and I'm amazed that they fight on, and have not just folded. So there is a good chance that our investment are not completely lost. If people want consumer rights they must do a order/preorder, and not invest in a crowdfunded project, where we take the risks.
    2 points
  2. I'm sure that's entirely accurate, though for my part I was never motivated by any possible discount on the cost, only to get my hands on what looked like a good device in good time. Honest information would be nice, though. Anyway, no great surprises in what I've heard back from Fxtec - firstly: These are very unfortunate times and this is not how we wanted to fulfil the Pro1 X orders but we have been forced to if we want to please all users.You have not lost your money at all as we still intend to deliver the Pro1 X to everyone without problems. And then subsequently:
    1 point
  3. I did order via fxtec's website at April 2021 year, so I'm happy that at least quick receive my refund after 18 months waiting of pro1x phone.
    1 point
  4. I am utterly furious at this latest development. I too have been - despite complaining to Fxtec about the issue - removed from the IGG updates so had to find out about this via this forum this evening. I have written to them again asking them what my options as a backer, rather than a website orderer, are - and, candidly, given that I need to buy a new phone NOW*, whether I have essentially lost my money. Although I used to be a solicitor (!) I am not sure what my legal rights will be if Fxtec do not offer me a refund. It goes without saying that I have no faith whatsoever tha
    0 points
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