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senseamidmadness last won the day on November 14 2024

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  1. F(x)tec has been surprisingly communicative over email. They also sent me a replacement display cable after the display swap didn't fix it, and I'm going to try installing that.
  2. Update for y'all. I managed to get a replacement screen assembly straight from f(x)tec after back and forth messaging with their support. It even has a blue bezel. The one from AliExpress showed up and there's a notable difference: a small circuit board that connects from the body ribbon cable (2 plugs) to the display ribbon cable (1 plug) is missing in the AliExpress display and present in the OEM f(x)tec display. I tried swapping the screen using the OEM one. Did the exact same thing as it always did. Touchscreen worked for a few seconds, plugged the phone in, then it stopped wor
  3. I found a possible correlation between the phone's temperature and whether the touchscreen works or not, as it has sat in sleep mode for a few days now and the touchscreen seems to be working every time I grab it. Phone has consistently been at room temperature every time I've tried. But when I plug the phone in and charge it, after a minute or two it warms up a bit to the touch...and the screen won't receive any touch input. It's wacky. A loose cable does seem possible, especially on the motherboard side. I'm still waiting on that replacement screen. I searched "QX1050" an
  4. Replacement screen hasn't arrived yet, but after a few days of staying off on the shelf the phone has...somehow got its touchscreen functionality back in stock Android 11. Don't know for how long. I'm going to open it up anyways but this is super weird. Screen firmware updating itself maybe? Edit: it did the same thing it did in LineageOS. Worked for a little bit longer this time, about 5 minutes, and now the screen won't respond to touch again. Gotta be a hardware issue right?
  5. I ordered a screen as a well-reviewed supplier on AliExpress had them for only $50. Will update when I receive it in the mail in a few weeks and open up the phone.
  6. This guide worked for me mostly as written, though the link to access qdl has changed and the tool is now "archived" on Github. This is the working link as of now: https://git.codelinaro.org/linaro/qcomlt/qdl
  7. Okay, I was able to follow a tutorial on this forum and get stock Android reflashed on this phone - the 2020/07/07 build version 2.1.2. Touchscreen still isn't working. I'm wondering if it might be a hardware issue with the digitizer or something at this point. Should I order a replacement screen maybe?
  8. Appreciate that info. Anybody know how to un-break the "return to stock" script that's on this forum by replacing the expected QX1050 with "bengal"?
  9. Hey folks, I'm having a weird problem. I was able to successfully flash LineageOS 21 onto my Pro1X, but about a minute after booting (may be when the screen first locks, not sure) the touchscreen quits working and doesn't work again unless Recovery and the Lineage package are totally reflashed. I reflashed them using fastboot. Tried all four of the currently-available nightly builds and all four of them did the same thing. Even tried installing the oldest one and updating within Lineage to the latest. Same problem. I can do some limited navigation with the keyboard but ob
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