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Justin last won the day on April 9 2023

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About Justin

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    Pro1X with SFOS

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  1. Hi @Demati, I have given up on the Pro1X and sold it, so no new info, and just a hazy memory of what I did a year and a 1/2 ago! I can say that in my step (2), if you follow the second link to the instructions, where the first bit of the read me guides “you can download the ready-made artifacts from GitLab: take the latest archive, unpack the artifacts.zip” So click on the archive link just above here, and it is in this artifacts.zip from the latest job, that you will find the recovery.img (I think from memory - I haven’t downloaded and verified). Once you have the recovery.im
  2. Just 24 hours to go on the ebay auction for my Pro1 X. A bargain at the minute for AUD610! Don’t miss out: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/276375159861 Freshly reflashed with the stock firmware (2.1.2), fully charged, and ready to go.
  3. Hi, I have a Pro1 X (Blue/8gb/256gb) that I received in August 2022. I have never used it really. I have had it on, perhaps for a week or so in total. Using it to set up, but not taking it out and about. I installed Sailfish OS for a while, but then moved back to the userdebug beta android firmware to record some logs for Fxtec, and then haven’t used it since. I was waiting to further assist fxtec with logs, but well, they went missing - as we all know. I will reflash it with the shipped firmware prior to sending it. I have charged the battery every couple of months, and i
  4. I don't know about battery or partitions. But the below link might save you the effort of building a VM. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3850-pro1-x-flashing-stock-android-with-qdl-for-those-with-linux/
  5. Thanks Hook. Good to know Linxdot is legit, and good to know it is successful!
  6. Fxtec's website is totally different now. Perhaps the fundraisers are real, I don't know. Edit: seems to have changed in the 6th April.
  7. Or maybe not... Fxtec's actual webpage has had a remake in line with these new fundraising schemes. I don't understand.
  8. This is a link to a scam page. It is a copy of FxTec's actual page. This link should not be being posted here and certainly no one should be purchasing anything from that page.
  9. There is a ‘Let is Know’ button down the bottom of the campaign page: I clicked it, and it allowed reporting it a copy of an existing campaign. So I did. Not sure if one voice is enough?
  10. The pretend Fxtec launched three campaigns today: https://www.indiegogo.com/individuals/33126900/campaigns Note surely a scam
  11. That is not FxTec. That is a third party scam dressed up as Fxtec. A couple of other scam campaigns to that users name too if you click through. Fxtec only has one campaign, and it is not the link you have posted. Beware.
  12. Hi kif, is ready at least for the Pro1X. Not sure about x.19? @piggz posted the following instructions on telegram: step 1, edit this file as such [defaultuser@Pro1-X ~]$ cat /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini [adaptation-community] repos = adaptation-community pattern = Feature community adaptation description = Enable ssu for community ports [repositories] adaptation-community = https://repo.sailfishos.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/fxtec:/halium-qx1050:/%(release)/sailfish_%(release)_%(arch) adaptation-commun
  13. This is an incomplete guide on how to flash the stock ROM (or in this example beta ROM with userdebug) on your Pro1-X. I used the windows instructions from Fxtec, and you should certainly read them and use them to assist in working through the reflash. I searched for an alternative to the recommended QFIL, and found a linux tool called QDL (Qualcomm Download). This tool allows you to flash Fxtec's XML-based stock firmware to your Pro1-X using Emergency Download Mode (EDL). I used this successfully to move from Sailfish OS to Android 2.1.6_userdebug. This may not be suitable for every
  14. Hi All, So I have finally made some time to expand the /home storage on my Pro1X. Piggz gave me the instructions on discord some weeks ago (and echoed here a few posts above), but they were suitably vague. I will share what I did, though it may or may not be wise to do the same. I bumbled my way through, not carefully considered my way through. EDIT: I should have noted that this will delete all your /home, so back up anything of importance. On the SFOS install i ran as devel-su "resize2fs /dev/sda13" as per @GoaSkin instructions here. I had to replace the stock recovery
  15. I have no experience in 3d printing, but think one of these for the Pro1X with the SFOS logo would be great. I have had a look at on demand 3d printers in Australia, but haven't seen anyone printing with PETG as recommended. Does anyone know where I could get one printed? Thanks so much,
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