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  1. For what it's worth, I was told in September that there were no screens available, but to check back later to see if they had them in and that they expected them by mid October. I asked again on October 13th, but was told that they still didn't have any, without an expected new arrival date. I then asked again 2 weeks ago, but I haven't gotten any response. I did also try ordering a replacement screen in August from AliExpress, but the order never left China and I was refunded. I haven't been able to use my phone since August and have been using a cheap replacement in the mean time. The s
  2. 😀 I'm glad that I was able to help find the missing piece to get this working! I still haven't had a chance to re-activate my phone on Total Wireless, but from your experience, I expect that it'll work great when I do! A 9 month old makes it a little hard to find time for this...
  3. I'm on a Verizon MVNO. I tried just moving my already activated SIM from my Z2 Play to the Pro1. I was able to get data working by copying the APN settings from my Z2 Play, but I haven't been able to get calls or texts to work. I know my MVNO (Total Wireless) should support VoLTE, but I'm not sure if it's enabled on my account. I'm looking into it now. Edit: I tried turning on VoLTE through the *#*#4636#*#* Menu, but it rejects calls that way. It appears that I need to get a new SIM and re-activate the old phone because the old SIM I'm using doesn't support VoLTE. I'm going to try bu
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