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Everything posted by wrc08

  1. Hello, I would just like to briefly give you the current status. I sent an email to fx support ('[email protected]' and '[email protected]') on April 26, 2024. I immediately received an automatic response that my request had been received. To date I have not received any further response. I don't think there's anything else to come. I'm afraid my time with an fx device is now coming to an end... Thanks to everyone here for your support over the last few years. Stefan
  2. VaZso is absolutely right. That's my problem. I've already tried an external reader and another phone. Card is not recognized... Stefan
  3. The biggest problem for me is that I had a microSD card in the Pro1 that is formatted as internal storage. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to my data on the MicroSD card. Is there any way to make the memory card contents readable and back up the data? Stefan
  4. Hello VaZso, Thanks for thinking along and your hints. I'll try this weekend to see if the Pro1 shows any reaction when connected to the computer. I'll report back then. I'll write to support tomorrow and ask if they are able to repair the device. Let's see if I get an answer. Stefan
  5. Hello FlyingAnterro, the device has now been connected to a charger for 24 hours. Condition is unchanged. It was worth a try. Thanks. Stefan
  6. Okay, thanks for the hint. I'll leave it on the charger overnight and see what happens. Thank you. Stefan
  7. Hello, I have a Pro1 with LineageOS 16. So far the Pro1 has run without any problems. Yesterday it shut down during operation and won't start again. There is also no response from the charger. I have tried the following so far: - long press on the power button (more than 30sec) - all combinations of the volume buttons pressed with the power button - Disconnected the battery, pressed the power button, reconnected the battery, then tried to start again with all key combinations -battery replaced, Unfortunately, I no longer have any idea what el
  8. Hello, unfortunately I still haven't been able to solve the problem. @Noir, have you changed the keyboard yet? @All: Where and how can I buy a keyboard as a spare part? How difficult is it, to change the keyboard?
  9. @claude0001Sorry, I overlooked your post. The version is 16.0-20201019-NIGHTLY-pro1. Just hypothetically: Could I transfer the system to another Pro1 if I had one?
  10. What if I by a new Pro1...?. Is there a way to completely back up my old Pro1 and transfer it to the new one? If the keyboard is broken, I need a new Pro1 anyway... ...and two Pro1 are better than one... (;-) So that it works as the old one.
  11. I've tried it. Unfortunately, the keyboard doesn't work in recovery mode either. So does this tend to indicate hardware errors? Then the last option is to disassemble the Pro1 and check the keyboard connection?
  12. Thank you for that hint. @EskeRahn, @Hookand @claude0001thank you for your support and for sharing your experience.
  13. Unfortunately that doesn't work. Somehow the backup doesn't run. The backup file is too small.
  14. You mean the recovery mode with "volume- button" and "power button" at the same time?
  15. I have frozen all apps with Titanium. Then reboot and the keyboard didn't work. Uninstalling should have the same effect, right?
  16. I searched the internet a bit and read: My planned approach now would be as follows: 1. I make a full backup of the Pro1 with ADB (adb backup -all) 2. I reinstall LineageOS, either the 16 again or the 18, probably doesn't matter 3. I am testing the physical keyboard 4. I restore the full backup using ADB. My goals are: 1. I can determine if there is a hardware or software failure in the physical keyboard 2. After the test, the phone works as it is now, so everything works, except the physical keyboard Am I wrong somewhere? Does this work as I think?
  17. Thank you @Benni and @claude0001. No, I had never plugged in a USB keyboard before. I know the disassembly guide. I've already looked at that. I've been thinking about checking the connection. I've wiggled the ribbon cable between the screen and the keyboard before, but that hasn't helped so far.
  18. I just noticed something while trying it: Under Settings--> System--> Language&Input under Physical Keyboard it says "not connected". Doesn't that have to be Pro1 or something like that? Can someone check this on their Pro1, please?
  19. Thanks for the tips and your thoughts. I'll try steps 1 and 2 and report back.
  20. Thanks for the tip. Tried it. Unfortunately, it did not lead to the desired result either.
  21. If it's up to my wish, then I don't have to update either. As I said, I'm actually very satisfied. I just would like the physical keyboard. @DieBruine recommended doing a "clean install". Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that without a full reinstall of all apps and settings.
  22. Thanks for the tip and for thinking along. I am using Lineage OS 16.0. As I said, once installed and since then it has run perfectly. I uninstalled SwiftKey and rebooted, but the physical keyboard still doesn't work. Thanks anyway. Is there any way I can get up to LineageOS 18.1 without having to reinstall all my apps and settings?
  23. No problem. I am grateful for your compassion. I'll try a little more. If I reset the factory settings, then everything is gone and I have to start from the beginning. I really want to avoid that, or rather I need something to get used to the idea.
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