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  1. I write about politics and living in a totalitarian state with repressive regime. What do you expect?
  2. I saw the shipping costs is twenty bucks and I immediately bought it... But I could ship to HK too. Will you deliver the mobile by DHL? If so, will you pre cover the custom fee so that I wouldn't be taxed insanely high by DHL?(in theirs calculation ,it's about 300+ bucks extra to me...)
  3. Today I learnt some device like OnePlus and Huawei don't even support this feature.
  4. As a P.R.China Citizen, I was mentioned before that it could be sent from China or Hong Kong. But probably you did not realise, HK SAR nominally belongs to China, but they're far from same. You see, if I receive any electronic device in Mainland China, I would pay 10% of import tax(and that's before trading war, now it's maybe 25% something?) on the premises you paid that tax in advance (if using DHL Express). If you do not pay import fee in advance via DHL, the total cause would be 1.521 times higher than the original price (because in this case, DHL imports en masse and pay 17% VAT an
  5. I was wondering if it would be delivered to China, and the cost it might be. Send the same question to your e-mail but no response so far.
  6. As someone has international business to do, I would definitely support dual or even triple SIM.
  7. I'm a BB user from my first cell phone (BB 9900) to present. It's a shame that BB doesn't function as expected in China (because Chinese app consumes a lot of hardware resource), and since they ceded BB to TCL, there's no brilliant design thereafter. However, how about using something like BB Hub in Pro 1? To aggregate messages and reply easily in horizontal views. I'm sure it would worth 650$ by then LOL
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