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  1. I have read that Discord channel discussion before the flash and it seems that the person who tried it (sorgo) did it few months ago, so it could actually work on that slightly older Lineage version, or maybe he did some additional or different steps back then, I don't know. I'm back on Lineage, restored backup (Swift Backup with root FTW! 😉 ) and nearly everything is as before with the touchscreen working as it should, finally.
  2. Well, I've tried it now, flashed the vendor.img to both slots, but it doesn't work. After flashimg the phone just allways reboots to fastboot mode. So, I did the full stock restore and it's now working again with the display touchscreen driver updated (or at least the touchscreen doesn't have the weird margin as before). So now I'm going back to Lineage. I was ready to do the full reflash anyway, so it's not a big deal the vendor.img reflash didn't work for me, but I wanted to give it a try at least.
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