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Psycho Doc

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Everything posted by Psycho Doc

  1. You put my arguments, which are on the same level of the contra-arguments from Rob. S. in terms of credibility and circumstantial possibilities, in the field of religion and conspiracy theories. Doesn't it go a little further past objectivity? "When a theory cannot be disproved, it does NOT make it correct". Yes, but it doesn't make it wrong either. Also, your saying applies equally to Rob's opposite opinion. I prefer to keep it to myself, who usually hastily judges unpopular opinions as religion and conspiracy theories.
  2. Your argument is illogical. The reasons for my concerns are just opinion but your indications that F(x)tec will still deliver all other devices are facts? Hmm, interesting. They are facts, but they prove nothing. My indication of the opposite, namely that F(x)tec are not credible, e.g. because they don't correct specs that are not applicable since a long time now (fact) and presenting new backers wrong specs (fact) has the same value as an indication as your examples. You measure with double standards. Perhaps you can try to accept that someone has a different view of things than you do.
  3. Did you read my detailed comment? That's what my thoughts on it are. In summary, I believe that F(x)tec's unclear communication, repeatedly withheld information and still uncorrect specs regarding the Pro1 X on IGG let me doubt on their sincerity and loyalty to their backers. For me, F(x)tec are unpredictable in their actions. Because you're asking for facts about my point of view, I'll ask you back. Where are your facts for the opposite?
  4. Of course you can see it that way. I see this after 20 months: F(x)tec are still spreading wrong specs of Pro1 X on IGG (e.g. out of the box). Anyone who still buys without reading the comments on IGG is buying under fake facts! As far as I know, this is even relevant under criminal law. No concrete information about contractual problems. Whose fault is it? No concrete statements from F(x)tec about their planned procedure regarding the large number of problems, described in this forum. Are there plans anyway? How could this number of problems happen, if allegedly quality control was repeatedly
  5. Tommi69, Can you please name a few points, how you argued and especially how F(x)tec reacted? That would be very helpful.
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