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  1. You can ask..., i did in November 2022. Until now, no refund and no phone...
  2. You can try i don´t think you will get a refund. Im waiting since November... No phone and no refund...
  3. The original order is still in proecssing... In november 22 i decided to cancel the order and get a refund. Until today i haven´t received my refund. I don´t believe that anyone getting there phones soon. I think the company is out of money... The batches they have produced are only sell to amazon, expansys and aliexpress to get as much money as possible and then close the company. I orderd a phone on Expansys. The Expansys Phone work exactyl one week, then there where huge display issues, big black spot on the left side without a reason. The connections, wi-fi, LTE, bluetooth are so ba
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