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Forum Index Unreliable

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Not looking for a fix as I'm sure the new forum will take care of it, but wanted to see if this is happening to others.


The forum index has become unreliable at identifying threads that have new posts or reporting who the last poster was. When I enter a thread, I often find posts I've never seen before. So I have to go into each thread individually to find and respond to new posts. Anyone else seeing this?


I'm on Win 10 using Firefox, but I got the same thing using Chrome.

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It is a new odd bug, that is related to the approval system.

IF a keymaster approves a post, but do NOT make a comment/reply in the thread, the approved comments are in an odd stealth state, until a keymaster make a comment (Yes, seriously!!)

(That is why some might have seen some odd short XXXX-like comments from me, as I try to remember to make a dummy comment after approve, and then quickly Delete it, as this miraculously cleans up the mess....)

...I certainly(!) hope that this will be fixed with the new forum software

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