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Phone Hangs or Freezes

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I got my Pro1 yesterday, and got it all set up. Unfortunately, it hangs or freezes quite frequently. Usually when I swipe up from the bottom, the screen will lock up, and I will need to press the 'HOME' softkey to get it to unlock. I am not sure if this is a 'feature' of Android 9, a hardware issue, or something else. Anyone else have trouble like this?

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Hasn't been reported before as far as I know.
Let me be the first to reply in general 😅

Are you running stock?
DId you update stock?
Have you tried a hard reset?
And last but certainly not least, why don't you give Lineage OS a try? (I can hink of a few reasons, but still....)

Edited by DieBruine
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7 hours ago, pbhuter said:

It is temporary. If I hit the 'Home' button, I can clear the screen and then continue on.

That is interesting. I use password or fingerprints for unlock, and does not see it on unlock. I wonder if it is a general issue when used 'unprotected' or it's some software you have installed that triggers the issue?

We have had people reporting random boots most likely related to when a WiFi signal is seen as very weak. I wonder if what you see could be a milder version of that? Could you try to temporarily stop WiFi, and see if this has any effect on the bug.

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