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how do i change my Fxtec pro 1 order, to include to enthusiast package?

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Note that one is a preorder, the other a indiegogo perk. That is the first is a conventional buy with the buyer rights that offer. The second is an investment without the same rights.

Or said otherwise on the first FxTec have the risk, on the second you have. That is the reason for the pricedifference.

But you should be able to cancel the preorder anytime, and take the IGG perk instead if you wish to - but you can not cancel a perk (except some days after picking it)

I would suggest sending a mail to [email protected]

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1 minute ago, _DW_ said:

Another thing on top of losing buyers protection you would lose your position in the queue to get the phone

Important point, thanks! We have had no information on wether all the Pro1X will be in one initial large batch, or spread out over some us unknown period.
My personal guess would be that it will be spread out, and given the previous experiences over a not insubstantial period. (I'm guessing months rather than days)

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