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Fxtec not responding to emails, and no information is available about anything.

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Hello everyone,

I preordered an F1 Pro a few weeks ago and wasn't allowed to pick which OS I'd like it to ship with. In addition to this, the website doesn't actually seem to say when the phone will actually release or ship in "February 2022." Fxtec isn't responding to ANY of my support emails, even the ones where I mention possibly wanting to cancel my order.

Did I just waste $900 on a phone that either doesn't exist or won't ship with LineageOS? What can I do? Has anyone else had a similar issue?



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In sharp contrast to when the original Pro1 was still in pre-production, whe have (to my knowledge at least) seen no enthusiastic demo videos of Pro1X's running an alternative OS so far. All there was, was a screenshot from the UbuntuTouch settings panel in the November update, along with the comment that porting of alternative OSes to the 662-Pro1 has "started".

I thus expect LineageOS and UbuntuTouch development to be lagging behind at this point, which would explain why you were not offered the choice of the OS.

I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually shipped all devices with Android after all, providing downloads and support for users to flash Lineage or UBTouch themselves when those are ready ...

Edited by claude0001
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1 hour ago, claude0001 said:

I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually shipped all devices with Android after all, providing downloads and support for users to flash Lineage or UBTouch themselves when those are ready ...

However, personally I would be completely okay with that... moving to another OS on Pro1 is not hard at all, I hope it will be similar on Pro1X.

So if it would make Pro1X shipment faster (an otherwise perfect device), I would even say ship it with any OS for me. 🙂
Maybe it worth a question for the actual user, but I would be also hapy without an OS with an option to install it later... 🙂

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4 hours ago, VaZso said:

personally I would be completely okay with that... moving to another OS on Pro1 is not hard at all, I hope it will be similar on Pro1X.

I had Android 9 on my Pro1 for a total of 5 minutes, or so, before flashing LOS onto it. So, yes, I fully agree, personally.

Problem is, they made a big deal about the "other OS" option being really official this time. If they fail to deliver in this respect, it will add-up to what is already an unfavorable picture at best.

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1 minute ago, claude0001 said:

Problem is, they made a big deal about the "other OS" option being really official this time. If they fail to deliver in this respect, it will add-up to what is already an unfavorable picture at best.

Yes, it may... but if only a software would be a cause of an additional delay, there would be people who don't really care the OS and to finalize manufacturing on their own.
Anyway, there should be an initial software which should be used for a factory test to check if hardware is fully functioning.

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32 minutes ago, VaZso said:

... there would be people who don't really care the OS ...

From an Android user perspective this may be true. Someone would eventually port LineageOS to the 662-Pro1, even if Fxtec would not support that process at all.

But UbuntuTouch is a different story: F(x)tec themselves have stated (at some early stage of 662-Pro1 design) that the Ubuntu option was an important point for quite a few backers of the Pro1-X. So they'll have to have that OS available at some point. And, here, experience from the original Pro1 shows they cannot rely on the community to do the work for them: the UBPorts crowd is too small to support obscure devices on their own. As documented on this very forum, there is -- to this date -- no truly functional port for the 835-Pro1, and, sadly, probably never will be. 

Edited by claude0001
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32 minutes ago, claude0001 said:

But UbuntuTouch is a different story: F(x)tec themselves have stated (at some early stage of 662-Pro1 design) that the Ubuntu option was an important point for quite a few backers of the Pro1-X. So they'll have to have that OS available at some point.

Right, UbTouch (or general Linux) support is a bit different question.
However, similar support like with Pro1 using libhybris is not the best thing of Linux support while it is not easy to create full Linux support without the help of Qualcomm (so the SoC's manufacturer). 😞

Even a proper SailfishOS support is a question - I haven't seen SailfishOS working (lack of compatible hardware) and I may be wrong when I assume it may bring me closer of the feeling what I had with my Nokia N900 and even the world has changed a lot since then.

Also, I am a Desktop (and server) Linux user so I really wish proper Linux (kernel) support for Pro1-X.

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@VaZso : UbuntuTouch on the Pro1(X) is not about vanilla Linux support (mainlining). Ubuntu on Pro1 and Pro1X uses / will use libhybris, which does make porting easier. Still it takes a lot of polishing to get a port to a state where it can be useful to average Joe as a phone. Look at that thread I linked above: the UbuntuTouch port for Pro1 does not provide the most basic functionality you expect from a smartphone: GPS, cellular internet either do not work at all, or not out-of-the box. HDMI out is not there (which is huge, as many want Ubuntu for the "convergence" thing). When such bugs are still present two years after the device hit the marked, it is pretty clear that the community is not able to fix things on their own. Fact is, development of that port has stalled. The same will happen with Ubuntu on Pro1X if F(x)tec do not push the development themselves.    

Of course, that same rom polishing is also necessary for any new Lineage release. But because of the much larger community, there is obviously more momentum in the development and bug fixing processes over there.

I belive SailfishOS on the Pro1 is in much better shape than Ubuntu, actually. I tested a very early version, and only gave up on it because of reasons of App availability. From the point of view of OS architecture, yes, I think it is much closer to the N900. But we're drifting off-topic ...

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