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Fixed my keyboard issues (hastily way)

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So I fixed my keyboard issue. Hastily way.
Since beginnings I had to press hard on several keys, wich is incompatible with a real use of the keyboard.
Mainly letters 'a', 'e', 'm', 'h' (and mny more)...are swallowed. But sometimes it has worked as expected (not often), and sometimes it's a real pain (often).
Average : a bad experience

Example with taping this as fast as possible :
"Les chiens aboient la caravane passe"

Ls cins aboint la caravan passe
Ls chiens aboint l crvane passe
Ls cins abint la caaravan pass

Digging into software doesn't help to find a workaround.
(See this post : https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3679-first-keys-not-working/ )

But, as one of my key fell (fixed with cyanolite), I dig a little into hardware. I experimented that when I press a little the keyboard under the right-ctrl touch the keyboard was working perfectly.

*** Warning : Crap makeshift ***


I gently pull off the keyboard and put a thin piece of plastic bag under (about 0,2 mm thickness)
Then I put a small metal spring who press on the "keyplate" (don't know if it's the exact word here) , fixed with the bottom left screw (replaced it with a longer one).

Since two weeks now I have a working keyboard, not 100% perfect, (would say 98%), but really far more usable as at beginning. I had some long conversation with SMS and I really forgott keyboards issues. Oh joy !

It remains me some tricks to correct keyboard issue on the HP-48 calculator with an elastic, tricks who's working with my unit since four years or so and I hope this will work on pro1 since I have a pro1x in hand...

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I made an account just to say that just tightening the screws fixed most of my keyboard issues with my pro1! I was having issues with the m, e, d, l keys, but no longer!  =D

Thanks for the write up! I'll post if I find out anything else


Edit, seems to be only a partial fix. I do still get double presses on the e and l still, but it is much much rarer!

Edited by veRYANgry
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I must say with more as one intensive month of use, my keyboard feels perfect now.
I forget all double-press, I had two or three ghost keys (like th*'˜is or something like that with weird characters who suddenly appears) but so rarely that I didn't notice it as a real issue.

Edit : I suddenly found a post concerning quadratic equation on this forum but I don't think it's related with any keyboard issue 😄

Edited by raymo
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@Noob : click sound, yes. I would say no mecanic problem here. I glue one touch with cyanocrylate a few months ago as he felt, and had no issue since.
I test with three press on different touch like 'aaa eee ddd ccc sss ooo mmm....' and see what happens, then I found this : when pressing the bottom part of the keyboard the bug disappeard. As far as I understand @veRYANgry solve the problem with tightening the two bottom screws, wich could be related to my problem.

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