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Screen broken but need to login without using it

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My screen broke. Before I got the new screen I logged in by connecting it to computer, swiping up and entering password on the keyboard.

Since then I configured USB to always set to file&share and it no longer works with a screen, and also no longer worked with computer, which is what I was trying to do.


Anyway, I replaced the screen, but am having issues connecting the dual headed connector inside, so only once stuff appeared on the new screen flickering, I have tried reconnecting all the connectors for hours, and mostly get a flickering power light as the connectors dont seem to connect right, even though they look connected.


So I tried to connect to an external TV again using USB-C to HDMI.  When I press the power buttno, the TV shows the "time and phone is locked (padlock) screen", normally I would swipe up and enter my password, but as the new screen is not connected properly I assume I can't use it, so I am trying to find the right keyboard combination to tell the phone I want to enter my password.


I am running Lineage 18.1.

So far I press the power button, this causes the TV to detect a signal showing a padlock.

I enter my password and press enter or any other non password and press enter, but the TV goes back to blank once enter is pressed no matter what was entered.

I am wondering what key I need to press that emulates swiping up on the phone to tell it you want to enter your password.

I tried enter, tab and escape, and cursor up, I cant be sure they do or don't work as nothing appears on the phone screen as I can't get it connected right.





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