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How can I fix the refresh issue when recognizing fingerprint on basic Android?

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When I touch the fingerprint reader, it works like the F5 key, refreshing web pages and many apps. This is very inconvenient.

I've also tried disabling that F5 button with several button remapper apps like 'Button Mapper', but when I turn on their accessibility options, the keyboard layout changes strangely.
For example, I can't input special characters with function key combinations, and to input ?, I have to press Shift + / like a regular PC keyboard.

Is there a way to avoid these issues and use the fingerprint reader comfortably?

I'm using basic Android OS, not LineageOS.


Thank you.


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If you want to use stock Android then maybe you could update to beta firmware? That fingerprint issue is fixed on 2.1.5 version according to user report and probably on later versions also. I have not personally tested beta firmware though. (The issue is also fixed on Lineage OS nowadays).

Regarding remapping the F5, have you tried Key Mapper? It worked with Pro1 on other purposes without messing up keyboard layout.

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On 2024. 7. 29. at 오전 3시 37분, FlyingAntero said:

스톡 안드로이드를 사용하고 싶다면 베타 펌웨어로 업데이트할 수 있을까요? 사용자 보고 에 따르면 지문 문제는 2.1.5 버전에서 해결되었고 아마도 이후 버전에서도 해결될 것입니다. 하지만 저는 개인적으로 베타 펌웨어를 테스트하지 않았습니다. (요즘은 Lineage OS에서도 문제가 해결되었습니다).

F5 리매핑과 관련해서 Key Mapper를 시도해 보셨나요? 키보드 레이아웃을 엉망으로 만들지 않고 다른 용도로 Pro1에서 작동했습니다.

I haven't tried the beta firmware. The 'Key Mapper' app also messed up the layout.

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