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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2023 in Posts

  1. The new website is actually a new front page. If you click the "Explore Pro 1 and Pro1x" link it takes you to the old part of the site and you can get to your account there, or just click the shop link at the top of this forum.
    2 points
  2. Yeah, this stuff is complicated. Is your Pixel also on T-Mobile? Is it set up for 5G? I'm entertaining the theory that my success is due to magic. 😉
    2 points
  3. The new FxTec front page is not fake. Their Linxdot business has been going on for some time, is successful, and is likely how they are paying to get our Pro1xs to us. The additional IGG campaigns are clearly fake.
    1 point
  4. This is a link to a scam page. It is a copy of FxTec's actual page. This link should not be being posted here and certainly no one should be purchasing anything from that page.
    1 point
  5. Okay, I have been using my Pro1x for two weeks and it is now officially replacing my Pro1 as my daily driver. So I will not only be answering the thread question, but I will also be comparing my Pro1x to my Pro 1. They are both great pocket computers but the question was which would become my daily driver and which would be conscripted into the kind of experimentation I wouldn't feel comfortable doing with my main device. I like the Pro1x so much, that is the one I would like to always have with me. Also, for context (especially in terms of how I might not be like you), I live on the
    1 point
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