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Everything posted by Hook

  1. Also, would help to know how you are using. If doing a lot of graphic intensive gaming or long periods of video, it is likely to heat up.
  2. You might find this post interesting as it is the only close up I can recall of the main antenna board, which has the USB-C port attached.
  3. Lineage-21-20240723-NIGHTLY-pro1x with July 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. Yup. Tuesdays now.
  4. Ummm... well, can't blame you for the rant, but this is a user-to-user forum that FXTec folks only rarely poke in to so you are not communicating to your intended audience. I would contact them by email and let them know what happened.
  5. I don't think we have firm information about some things. The screens are interchangeable. We have been told the batteries are not, odd as that seems. Anything else? No solid official information. Don't know if we have anyone who has taken apart both and compared them. I do think the body/case is the same, but I'm just guessing.
  6. Lineage-21-20240716-NIGHTLY-pro1x with July 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. A switch to Tuesday, for this week anyway.
  7. Pain in the ass, but would probably work to reinstall stock and then re-flash lineage from June 15th which is the last pre-camera problem version still downloadable. Grab it before next Saturday. And, yes, you will have to back up data and rebuild. As I said, PIA.
  8. I'm glad, because I was an idiot and forgot I was on Lineage, not stock, so my directions were probably useless and confusing. Sorry.
  9. I don't know about the Azerty setup, but you might make sure you have FxTex AZERTY set as your keyboard layout under settings -> System -> keyboard -> Physical keyboard. Sorry, I sometimes just forget that I'm on Lineage, not stock, and then give misleading directions. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will step up here.
  10. Did you test the phone before installing this. Those are all issues that some (not all) have raised with the Pro1x. There seems to be a lot of variability. Lineage won't fix any of those problems if they already exist. Here's one discussion you can look through,
  11. I don't know anything about the wireless display setup you are using, but the Pro1x is not capable of HDMI out and is only capable of mirroring with one cable setup that uses an apk to do some of the work. Here is the cable that should work on Amazon (although, I have never done this and I don't own the cable myself. https://www.amazon.com/Android-Mirroring-Charging-Smartphones-Projector/dp/B08LN8Z6QX Don't know if this cable connected into your adapter would make wireless mirroring possible.
  12. Lineage-21-20240708-NIGHTLY-pro1x with July 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. Very timely on the security patch for July.
  13. So glad it worked out finally. I will say, this stuff is tricky on Windows (and I am mostly a Windows user), However, I have an old Thinkpad that I installed Manjaro on. All the fastboot and adb tools were already installed and doing all this stuff just works smoothly. I now exclusively use that Linux laptop for doing this even though I am not all that skilled with Linux (luckily have a couple of knowledgeable friends that give me support). I don't know why it's such a hassle with Windows, but it always is and I can no longer imagine doing fastboot and adb without Linux. The iron
  14. No you need to start with step 4. At the beginning of step 4, you are booted into the bootloader, where you can issue fastboot commands from the PC. You then use the command to flash dtbo.img (step 4) followed by the fastboot command to flash recovery.img (Step 5). As long as you stay connected in fastboot mode, you don't need to reboot to bootloader during these two steps. At the end of step 5, you can use the bootloader menu on the phone to reboot to recovery. Then you are ready for step 6. When you are in the Lineage recovery is when you can use adb commands.
  15. This post that @Kilrahlinked you to says what to do at the No Command screen, Doing as instructed should take you to the recovery menu which should have the reboot to bootloader option. EDIT: Would have helped if I had actually included the link. Sorry.
  16. The backing up of the Persist partition doesn't apply to Lineage. I don't believe Lineage messes with the partition.
  17. This and other links are all collected in the "Start Here" thread pinned at the top of the forum. :-)
  18. I agree with @EskeRahn. I would wait for the next update and see if that fixes it. The Pro1x seems to have updated without that problem-- I don't know if that means they solved it, or that it was somehow exclusively a Pro1 problem, but they will get it fixed and most everything else still works.
  19. Indeed. Lineage-21-20240701-NIGHTLY-pro1x with June 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  20. Thanks. I didn't have a chance to check back. I was going to go ahead and b the guinea pig, but happy to not have to be. I'll update now. ;-)
  21. It's a long story, if you care to read through the updates on IGG. The 25 cent recap is: 1. The Pro1x was intended to be simply a Pro1 with a different color and more memory with your choice of OS. The OS images already existed for flashing the phones during manufacturing. 2. The company that was supplying their SD 835 chips took their money, but never provided the chips. 3. FxTec had to redesign the phone with a different chip, given their financial constraints. 4. Although prototypes and source code were provided to developers, there was insufficient time for images fo
  22. Probably, this is the best place to start (hence it being in the pinned "Start Here" thread. :-) Only Stock Android requires you to have Google.
  23. I notice we don't have a Monday update (yet). This is probably a good thing. I was worried we might get the same camera problem seen with the Pro1 update. Since we already have the June 5th patch, I hope they will wait and get the camera problem resolved.
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