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Everything posted by Hook

  1. Lineage-21-20240916-NIGHTLY-pro1x with September 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  2. I can't answer either of your questions, but you might want to make the second question a new thread. It has been discussed some on Discord and form my brief skim, it looks like the new API is something developers can use for individual apps. Not clear why they would or what pressure Google might apply to have them do it, but it doesn't yet seem to be "you can't sideload anything" and I suspect, using mostly older apps, it won't present a big problem to me, but I really don't know. It's a good question, if anyone here knows.
  3. Lineage-21-20240909-NIGHTLY-pro1x with September 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  4. At this point, I think your best bet is to seek support, maybe from @TheKit, on their forum (I haven't seen him here is a long time) and see if they can help you figure out what went wrong. Again, if you have already done that, sorry. I've got nothing else.
  5. First, off, warning... I have never installed UB Touch. Also, I'm not clear enough on what you have already done to know if I'm just suggesting something you have already tried. Looking at this page (I'm assuming you have the Pro1x): https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/pro1x/ It appears to me you download an installer (links at the bottom of the page) to your computer and it downloads and installs UB Touch (presumably OTA-5, since that is listed as the stable version on that page). Again, I may be making way too many assumptions, but if I were interested in UB Touch, th
  6. I was under the impression that the frame for the Pro1 is not 100% identical to the frame for the Pro1x (different camera? Other subtle differences?). Anyone know. I can't remember.
  7. A bit of a tangent, but in what universe is August 26th 2 weeks before September 3rd? :D
  8. Lineage-21-20240902-NIGHTLY-pro1x with Aug 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. Notice, Monday's date as expected, but didn't actually show up until today, Tuesday. And, woo hoo, I can dismiss the lock screen with the space bar again! :D I'm probably the only one here who cared about that ;-)
  9. I pretty much echo @MonCon I consider my Pro1x my daily driver. It does work fine as a phone on T-Mobile (both calls and data) in both VA and CO in the US, but I don't use it for that. I de-converged back with my Pro 1 in 2020. I'm retired and it isn't a lot of trouble to carry 2 devices. I don't do a lot of calling. 95% of my calls involve home health care for Mrs. Hook. Both the Pro1 and Pro1x are have weaker r reception than other phones and I need 100% reliability for the home health care no matter where I am driving. S0 I have a Pixel 7 Pro (got it new for under $500 from
  10. Not sure what you mean by "the keyboard is in the way." The screen part is easy to deal with as it only involves 5 screws. You can email fxtec at [email protected] to see if they have replacement screens for the Pro1 (They don't for the Pro1x, but they may for the Pro 1). You can also find the display on Alie Express, here ( I bought this one but haven't needed to try and install it yet): https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804876586192.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt This includes the proper frame, I believe. If this link is ever out, you can look for Elephone U Pro dis
  11. Not to quibble that it hasn't been too long, but I believe you mean 2019, not 2018. ;-)
  12. Lineage-21-20240826-NIGHTLY-pro1x with Aug 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. One oddity. I don't have any kind of screen lock on the device. Before this update, aside from swiping with my finger, I could press the space bar to dismiss the lock screen. That no longer works. There isn't a setting, so something internal changed. It's annoying since pressing the space bar is easy and really ingrained. I'm also getting yellow triangles about not being secure, so maybe that's connected. FU Google, It's my decision how secure or not
  13. In general, I use dark mode on my Pro 1 and Pro 1x, as well as black wallpaper, and I never see the spots on the corners. ;)
  14. We don't have any idea what these batteries are. You can see a long thread here of people trying to work out what batteries could be used. It started our as a thread for the Pro 1, but also has discussion of the Pro 1x.
  15. From Google translate: Hello and thank you very much, I have now installed the manual Camera Pro. It works really well. Thanks for the tip
  16. Understanding that it has been a long time since I was on stock and that I didn't stay on stock on my Pro1x long enough to test any of this... Edge Null never worked that well on my Pro 1. LOS has worked consistently on both my Pro 1 and my Pro1x. It lets you define one of four settings to determine your screen margin, none and 3 margin settings. It's easy and effective (I use the first setting... a minimal margin that just prevents the edges from too easily triggering something). Whether that is worth the dance of setting up LOS to you, I don't know. I've never had a lot of trouble
  17. I don't patch the any file myself. After the first flash, I open the Magisk app once and let it update and/or install (I forget which, but whatever makes the app happy) and then close it and never open it again.
  18. I just downloaded cpu-z and it verified that I was rooted still. It may have to do with my method of rooting? I root with Magisk, but I only use it for SU, so I use the depreciated method of flashing it as a zip when I first install LOS.
  19. Lineage-21-20240819-NIGHTLY-pro1x with Aug 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  20. Then I'm stumped. On my Pro1x using LOS 21, when I connect to my Windows computer, there is a notification at the very bottom of my notification just as I described to you. and all options are available in settings -> connected devices -> USB
  21. The way Android works now, when you first connect your phone to a PC via USB, it is in charge only mode. There should be a notification (very small print) near the bottom of the notification pull-down that tells you this and says to tap for more options. When you tap, a full screen list of options pop up and you can select "File Transfer). LOS is the same as it uses the standard Android functions.
  22. Not sure I understand. The app should handle it automatically and in the background. It does for me. Or is there some reason you can't use the app?
  23. That may very well be a Verizon thing. I had Verizon working for a while on my Pro 1 and I hit a point where, a little different, I could send texts but couldn't receive them. My Pro1 on T-Mobile and my Pro1x on Ting work fine both in VA where I live and in CO Springs when I am visiting my son.
  24. Yes, not really a LOS problem, so I moved your post here. If the phone has poor connectivity, LOS won't change that. It would be good to know more information such as where you live and what carriers you are using/have available. It's hit and miss. Some Pro1xs work okay, other don't. QA? Some networks work some don't? We don't know. I'm lucky to have one that mostly works, although I still use it as a PDA.
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