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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2024 in Posts

  1. Lineage-21.0-20240504nightly-pro1-signed.zip on April 5 (2024) security patch, installed smoothly using OTA-> Still the bluetooth issue with my smartwatch (will be patched with QPR2, I think / read)
    2 points
  2. Not once did they ever mentioned website orderers anywhere, not even when asking them specifically about website orders, and only mentioned "backers" in their replies. Therefore, I can't reasonably assume anything else than that website orderers are f*cked.
    1 point
  3. wut... you want to give the scammers more money? 5 months now since their last update. they don't even respond to this forum anymore. Casey is absent for like 6 months. It's clearly not a shipping issue at this point... I truly don't understand how some people are still defending fxtrash after years of bs. I wouldn't be surprised if this forum silently disappears one night to save on server costs. This forum is basically nothing but bad PR filled with complaints. Even if this it shows up it will maybe barely work for a couple years. There's no way this will h
    1 point
  4. Dear Community, I've been pondering a potential solution to the ongoing shipping challenges faced by F(x)tec. What if we came together and initiated a GoFundMe campaign to alleviate the burden of shipping costs for the company? With collective support, we could potentially aid in expediting the delivery process and ensure that backers receive their perks sooner rather than later. Before taking any steps, I'd like to gauge interest and gather feedback. Would anyone be interested in supporting such an endeavor? Your thoughts and input are greatly appreciated.
    0 points
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