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Posts posted by phukfxtec

  1. 20 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

    Still, personally, I haven't seen any official calls to "confirm addresses", and I don't see in which form they expect that to happen. I didn't move, so there shouldn't be anything to do?

    The fact that they wont even put out a simple statement saying "hey we're confirming addresses" on their page or they cant even do the bare minimum of log in to respond to this forum. Like is there anyone even working there anymore?


  2. On 3/1/2024 at 4:31 AM, zundappchef said:

    GoFundMe campaign to alleviate the burden of shipping costs for the company

    wut...  you want to give the scammers more money?

    5 months now since their last update.  they don't even respond to this forum anymore. Casey is absent for like 6 months. It's clearly not a shipping issue at this point...




    I truly don't understand how some people are still defending fxtrash after years of bs. I wouldn't be surprised if this forum silently disappears one night to save on server costs. This forum is basically nothing but bad PR filled with complaints.

    Even if this it shows up it will maybe barely work for a couple years. There's no way this will have extended security patches. The community likely isn't big enough to maintain itself, because for starters that would require devices to actually, you know, be shipped out so we can develop and use them.image.png.a7f3349b3128ea24e1807688a4011c61.png


    It seems not even XDA cares about their own "official" phone given their lack of involvement or statement on the matter.

    Scam or not, the sad truth is this device is not worth the sand it's printed on... A waste of rare earth metals; near-obsolete e-waste out of the box.


    My CC denied refund because "too long ago".... oh how convenient for the payment processors...






    ps: pro1x still in Indiegogo “Team Favorites” category despite being called out in emails to IGG multiple times by multiple people… which goes to show that IGG are complicit and their favorite projects are one that don't deliver.



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  3. On 9/9/2023 at 1:05 PM, claude0001 said:

    The screengrabbing part is probably the reason for the extensive permission requirements. It's also the reason why things like Netflix or Prime cannot be displayed using such tehniques (as they have DRM mechanisms in place to prevent screengrabbing), unlike with true HDMI-out.

    I too planned to use this device for movie watching over HDMI.... Yet another data point that proves DRM is a cancer that ironically only hurts legitimate paying customers by denying experiences such as the valid one described here.

    This why i go back to the sea, Pay for the service but torrent the content guilt free. 🏴‍☠️

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  4. 3 hours ago, guest03847 said:

    If one would pull on their tinfoil cap for just a moment, the combination of an unreasonably large cable connector combined with "a proprietary app or two" from a no-name chinese cable manufacturer sounds like a great way to do many shady things 😁

    Hence why id rather decompile it and poke around. I don't trust it one bit.

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  5. On 9/8/2023 at 7:44 PM, Hook said:

    This one, I believe.  I haven't gotten one, so I don't, but I assume the instructions tell you which app to download.  I also recall someone on discord saying the app asks for lots of permissions but works fine when all permissions denied.



    Hmm, strange. I wonder if the app can be reverse engineered to pull out what ever proprietary weirdness that allows this particular cable to work. if the device ever arrived, time to pull out APKTool....maybe can patch lineage to work without garbage app

    edit: Even if it did work, this not native HDMI out. it is a hacky work around. native HDMI support is still a lie

  6. also how can it be simply a shipping problem at this point? shipping isnt hard, its 2023. lets do some quick maths....

    last update was Jun 15, 2023 (3 months ago). The campaign has 2,134 backers. A very select few have already received but lets say for sake of argument there are 2000 devices that need to be shipped still. Lets say they have a only enough funds to hire a single shipping person. Lets say the shipping person can process 3 devices per hour, which would be 24 devices over an 8 hour day. 2000/24 = 83 working days / 5 days a week = 16 weeks or 4 months. Its been 3 months since then meaning over half would be shipped by now we would start seeing "finally received my device!" in the igg comments by now. we could bump it down to only 2 devices an hour and should still see devices by now.

    (feel free to adjust these numbers that i pulled out of my ass, I am making the assumption that they: pull up an order on a screen, grab the corresponding device, package it, print off and slap on a shipping label. this can be done in 20-30 minutes per device no? my dumb maths is with a single person and they claim to have a "logistics partner" so surely more than a single person, the point is we should be seeing devices by now...)

    my theory just as @guest03847just mentioned is that their are no devices! (probably cuz they sold them all behind our backs on xpansys (for double profit btw))


  7. 12 minutes ago, Hook said:

    That "web3 garbage" has been going on since early 2022 at least and is likely how our Pro1xs got manufactured.  Thank goodness, because clearly the troubles with the Pro1x were costly, 

    As for the new phone, that is a separate project, may not exist yet other than as a branded plastic model in Adrian's pocket and if it brings in investment that can be used to help solve the sjipping problem, fine with me.

    Yes, web3 is the web and not all that useful in modern industrialized settings, but there are some uses, as I understand it, in forming ad hoc networks in regions not well served by broadband, but I am far from an expert on this.

    The point I'm trying to make is that their going out to try to attract investment does not necessarily mean they are abandoning us.  It means they are trying to stay alive, which benefits us greatly.  I'd like them to survive at leasy long enough to cut a deal to have our devices shipped. :)

    Finally, yes, the HDMI situation is not what was wanted by the backers or by FxtEc,  But the statement you quote is not wrong.  It is simply that only one USB-c to HDMI cable works and requires an app and only mirrors. Not a good result, but what they say is not wrong.

    Ok, I will concede that diversifying to separate products doesn't directly = abandoned us, but it smells fishy after 3 *** years there's no more excuses left, like comon bro why you simpin for fxtec?

    Re: web3, then call it what is is: a mesh network. (which is not a new concept, and the use case is valid tbf). I just hate this marketing bs...


    When it arrives in 2035 it will be obsolete (as it already is with downgraded SOC and 3 years delay). The least they could do is compensate backers by throwing in an extra battery or something for fucking us all over.


  8. Also, in regards to that new "web3" phone, they mention in that interview they partnered with something called "Helium Network". Someone in the igg comments mentioned that this is also a scam?


    Looks like a companay call McGill were selling linxdots on facebook before delivering to customers? (almost in the exact same way that fxtec were selling backers devices on xpansys before delivering to backers. a pattern?)

    Still digging... if anyone knows anything else or have also been affected by this linxdot / helium thing please speak up.

  9. not just the deckhd, but another phone now?!!? when they cant even finish the previous phone they make another? this is absurd at this point.

    Looks like they're making some sort of web3 garbage now:

    There's no such thing as "web3", its just the internet. This is all marketing wanketeering. A packet is still a packet, an integer is still an integer. This web3 stuff reeks of nft crypo blockchain crap that no one wants. Looks like fxtec is beginning to fully embrace their new scammer identity.

    I guess we backers got rug pulled IRL with a physical device (pro1x)!


    BTW, they still list "USB Type-C with HDMI support" on their store page which is a lie, this is literally false advertising now for which there are actually laws against.


  10. so.... the last update was about shipping, meaning the devices are done and just sitting in boxes somewhere? like how hard is it to ship things? just put the devices in the mail like JFC how hard is it to put a stamp and go to the post office...

    selling devices on xpansys has crossed the line to genuine fraud?

    now they make new products without fulfilling their previous product?


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