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Posts posted by Keyahnig

  1. 23 minutes ago, david said:

    How does it hold onto the front part?  For that matter, how does the bottom part hold on?  Do you tape them in place?

    It's basically the same like every soft case. There's a small lip that holds onto the gap between keyboard and display. There's no tape or anything and both parts didn't slip of yet so it holds on pretty good.

    The sides on the front part are pretty thin and fiddly though.

    • Thanks 2
  2. Similar situation here.

    I emailed support on Dec 18th and was asking for a refund. They asked me 2 times if I'm really sure until holidays began. They promised that they'll give me a refund if i really want it. I confirmed both times that I want it. They responded within 24h both times.

    I waited during holidays but now they're dead silent.

    I opened a new ticket on Tuesday if the first ticket got lost somehow. No response.

    The support has always been reliable for me but what is happening right now is quite bad and disappointing.



    • Sad 2
  3. ZTE Blade -> Samsung Galaxy S3 -> LG/Google Nexus 5 -> Xiaomi Mi5 -> Honor 8 -> OnePlus 5T (current phone) -> F(x)Tec Pro1 (hopefully soon)
    Yes, all my phones were slabs. Don't judge me.


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  4. 42 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    Closing in on the outer edge of the 18 - 24 option, but still there.
    Something to keep in mind for all age groups is that there's... let's say the average person and but also the nerds. The latter might not apply to 100% of us here, but many I'd guess.

    I totally agree. I'm at the lower end of the 18 - 24 spectrum and never used a keyboard phone before (except trying out some Blackberries in stores). I always used slabs.

    I always wanted a keyboard phone but never got one. I was to young when there were any and later they kinda disappeared. At first I wanted to get the Priv but then I decided against it because of some bad reviews. The KeyOne/2 was never an option because of it's weird aspect ratio. So when I heard of the Pro1, I pre-ordered it within a few days.

    51 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    But yeah, I don't expect the "cool" teens to be here either. That's not all of them though.

    Most people I showed it to thought it was really cool but they wouldn't buy it because it's too expensive or they just didn't care.

    • Like 3
  5. 55 minutes ago, Parhelion said:

    Just a proposal for discussion: D'you think a part of the forum only accessible for registered users for some conversation not visible to the whole Internet might be useful?

    Interesting idea but I honestly can't see a reason to make certain threads non-visible to everyone.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Gon009 said:

    Lol, I said that they will have an excuse for anyone realizing that there's a delay and I was right, we didn't even need hours for someone to come up with that.

    If they shipped a single Pro1 I guess people would also say "but they started shipping!".

    Well, no need to be butthurt or to make fun of me.

    Fact is, they started shipping even if your region won't get the device first.

    Btw, technically they started shipping a few months ago when you count prototypes. 😉

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