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  1. To enable sticky keys you need to be rooted, but then it is rather easy. Go to /system/usr/local/keychars. In this folder there should be a file called Vendor_XXXX_Product_XXXX.kcm, where the XXXX are two sets of four hexadecimal digits. Since I don't have the pro1 I don't know how they are called. If there is more than one of these, open them up and try to find if it says someting like "Built-in keyboard" at the beginning of the file. In this file look for a line starting with the word "type" (without quotation marks). Change this line so that it reads "type ALPHA" (again, with
  2. A friend of mine got himself a Galaxy Edge and I had quite an extensive play with it. It totally sucks. You keep touching the edge with your palm, especially when tryint to type single-handed and the concerns about durability where confirmed the first time he dropped his phone. He dropped it from about 20cm height onto his computer's keyboard and the display shattered so hard that chunks of glass came off. As the father of a little toddler my phone needs to withstand at least little drops without trouble. And since I made my own keyboard attachment for my current phone (thanks to a 3d pr
  3. I was really looking forward to this phone but the curved screen is an absolute dealbreaker for me. If that does not change I will stick to my Moto Z Play and the bluetooth keyboard attachment I made. I think it's completely beside the point to use a curved screen to make it look cool for a wider audience. This phone is made specifically FOR the dinosaurs. Who else would buy a keyboard phone? The "kids these days" don't care about a keyboard. It's just not cool anymore. There is a reason why every major phone manufacturer stopped making phones with keyboards, and that is because they are
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