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Everything posted by daxxy

  1. Solved it. It probably wasn't Magisk itself but an incompatible module that was still installed. Moved everything that looked Magisk-related (find / -iname '*magisk*' 2>/dev/null, same with riru) to the sdcard, rebooted into recovery, sideloaded Magisk-v23.0.zip and it works now.
  2. Is anyone else having trouble installing Magisk on 18.1? I just "dirty" upgraded (as in without wiping anything, as described in the official upgrade instructions) all the way from 16.0 to the May 31 build (which worked fine), installed gapps, booted, then tried to install Magisk: Version 23 by installing the APK and patching boot.img (apparently this is known not to work?) Version 23 by sideloading from recovery Version 21.4 by sideloading from recovery ...and all of these cause my phone to get stuck in the boot animation forever (not even a proper bootloop, it does
  3. Yeah, in fact, that's exactly what I was trying to do with my last edit (well, I only changed one instance in that, to check if it works). Thanks!
  4. Hey, so I just tried to reply to this topic: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/design-the-qwertz-layout/page/8/#post-12822 Given the subject, I had to use literal backticks in my post, and the forum software interpreted those as code tags. Tried to fix it by editing the post to use triple-backticks (some markdown parsers let you escape backticks this way), didn't help. Edited the post again, this time using HTML entities (try to edit a post containing less-than or greater-than characters and that's how they show up in the editor) - now the post disappeared...
  5. I think you're mixing up the versions. Liangchen's version had # on FN+3, sailfishmods/@xcvpx put § back on there and moved # to FN+Ä. I agree that @xcvpx's version is an improvement. Building on that, I think the PC QWERTZ assignment of "Shift+< is >" is more natural than "FN+< is >", but that's nitpicking. More importantly: Currently the key next to backspace is the grave accent (`). This is inconsistent with PC QWERTZ, where the acute accent (´) is assigned to that key, and Shift+´is `. This is definitely unexpected (though I could see the change being helpful for peopl
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