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Everything posted by tdm

  1. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Well, I am looking at the programming files and it shows that it's writing both xbl_a and xbl_b from xbl.elf. So that part should be good. The files themselves should be good, I have flashed my device with these bits on multiple occasions. So I am a bit confused why this isn't getting you to the bootloader. You should at least get a splash screen no matter whether you hold the volume key or not. I've updated the full firmware package on my website to use the older, working programmer. The new md5 starts with 6b0... You can try downloading that instead of
  2. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Okay ... according to the device I have here ... root@QX1000:/ # ls -l /dev/block/by-name/ | grep sdb lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 1970-02-09 03:12 xbl_a -> /dev/block/sdb1 root@QX1000:/ # So /dev/sdb contains xbl_a and nothing else. This is the second stage boot loader for slot a. So you did not overwrite anything that cannot be easily replaced. But xbl_a should have been flashed by the package that I sent to you, and that should have allowed you to get to the "upper" boot loader ("abl", or fastboot). Can you
  3. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Okay that helps. Let me investigate a bit and see what is on /dev/sdb. Let's hope no radio configuration lives there.
  4. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    The package contains everything. Literally everything, on the device flash, except a couple items like the factory radio tuning and such. It even writes the GPTs (six of them, one for each logical disk that Android sees). You can try the full package when I post it, but this seems to be a more fundamental problem. How did your device get bricked?
  5. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Okay good to know that it works. I'll update the main package later today. That package has all that is needed to get into the boot loader. It only excludes system, vendor, and data. How are you trying to get into the boot loader? You should start with power off, then hold the volume down key, then press the power key. Once you see the boot loader screen, release the power key first and then release the volume key. If that does not work, tell me exactly what you see in the screen (if anything).
  6. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    @devyl @Craig here is a package that has the "old" programmer that works with my prototype phone. I've excluded system, vendor, and userdata partitions from the package to make it smaller (77mb vs 1.5gb). Please let me know if it works. If it succeeds, you should be able to get to the bootloader and then flash system and vendor using fastboot. QX1000_user_20191028_oldfirehose_base.qfp
  7. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    I'll get you a new package to try soon.
  8. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Okay that works for me. I have limited time myself until January 6.
  9. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Thanks. Do you mind testing a new package? I'll make it significantly smaller for the test and you don't need to actually write to your device. Edit: and which OS are you using on the host PC? Looks like Linux?
  10. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Okay good to hear you got your device working. One problem I've had is finding the correct programmer binary for all the devices out there. My device will only accept a very old programmer binary, not the production one. I suspect you may have a similar problem. Do you have a retail device or a pre-production device?
  11. Yes I'm aware of the work @netman is doing on the keyboard. I'll incorporate it in due time, after I get the vendor image built and voice calls work.
  12. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    Sorry for the late reply. Did you get the tool to work for you? I can try to help if you are stuck.
  13. Oh, it just occurred to me that the same issues I'm having with the vendor image are probably causing TWRP data decrypt to fail. So I'm pretty confident that once the vendor image works, I can build a TWRP with working data decrypt.
  14. Making a working vendor image is proving to be quite the adventure. But! ... I just got a good boot with a hacked up vendor image. 🙂 So the next step is to retrace my steps and figure out how to translate my hacks into a working build. I may be able to get that done tomorrow, but I'm not sure.
  15. Please note, this is not an official FxTec tool. It is my own creation. FxTec should not be expected to support this tool or any damage caused by its use. This tool will allow you to restore your Pro1 to a factory clean state no matter how badly it is messed up. You may use it to restore a "bricked" device or just load the latest firmware. You can find the software and detailed instructions here: Factory Restore for FxTec Pro1 Please report any issues here.
  16. I think I've got the EDL tool working on all three platforms now. VirtualBox seems to be causing some issues with USB passthru so I'll have to test on bare metal. I hope to get that done tonight or in the morning. Then I'll be back on the lineage build. The next change, I think, needs to be to build and install the vendor partition. That's probably going to be a fair bit of work. I hope it won't take more than a day or two.
  17. T5 was the code name until they changed it for Google certification. I'm not sure why they had to change it but it did officially change.
  18. Yes the official code name is QX1000. And according to lineage convention, that should be its name. But that doesn't exactly roll off the tongue very smoothly. So I have been using pro1 for the device name. Doesn't really matter though, it's just a name.
  19. Looks like MacOS works now. Just had to work around a little issue in libusb. Now to see if I can get Windows to cooperate.
  20. I've been pretty quiet this week so I figured I'd give everyone an update on what's going on. We had the cold virus come through our house this week. I had to stay home to take care of the wife and kids on Tue, then I was sick on Wed. I was working on my EDL flash tool Thu and Fri. It works well on Linux but I'm having some issues on Windows and MacOS. Hope to get it working next week. I'm attaching a screen shot with the latest pro1 package loaded and ready to flash. Next week, I hope to get the flash tool wrapped up and start working on the Lineage buil
  21. @rbe please read my page and you will find the repos. @Gigadoc2 mentioned two of them, but there are two more. The binaries that come as blobs will be obvious if you are at all familiar with building Android. And if you are not, well, you have a bit of a learning curve ahead of you. 🙂
  22. If you really want an un-Googled version of stock, I can build that since I do have access to the sources. But personally, I highly recommend Lineage instead. It has some nice features that stock does not. You should file an issue for calls on my github. You can file the lock pattern issue with Lineage, as I dont have anything to do with that. Lineage recovery should be able to flash the su package. If not, please let me know. I could build su into the ROM, but that would upset others. FxTec has been very engaged and helpful with development. I appreciate that a great d
  23. Thank you so much for the consideration. I won't take donations for this project myself but please do donate to Lineage, the EFF, or your favorite open source project.
  24. So I have spent most of the day today trying to get TWRP to decrypt FBE. It has been quite an adventure, as my only prior experience with TWRP decrypt has been FDE on Android 7.0 which is quite simple to support. FBE on Android 9.0 requires a lot of infrastructure that I had not known about. I'm not done yet. Hope to have it working in the next couple of days. I'm also preparing an EDL package for user consumption. This will allow anyone to un-brick their device and restore the stock factory image no matter how badly they damage the software. But don't go erasing your entire
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