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Jhonny B

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  1. Erik no I won't like to share my order details for my privacy just like you don't share any real info with us. All I can tell you is we ordered 3 units in May when you said it will be shipped in July. Now coming to the shipping , when I said last time that it won't be shipped on 29 Erik was so quick to respond that it's definitely shipping on 29th. And here comes 29th. I can say this with confidence that they have not shipped any at all. Does any of real customers here received shipping notification? I bet none. This is another trick to get couple of more months. They c
  2. So the next round of frustration is started if fx has really shipped. For 4 months we been wondering when will it ship. Now for the next 4 months we will be wondering when will we get it. Erik every time you announce it doesn't add up. Like u now saying if it's shipped today to few then why will it take next week for them to get it? Shouldn't it be by the end of this week And apart for God knows which lucky ones to expect next week, the rest will then can't expect for atleast next couple of months. I truly regret the day I signed up for this pro1
  3. Yes i did. I actually contacted them several times. and i also offered to pay them in full for the testing device. i also applied for the testing application back then. but Fx never offered me any testing device.
  4. Thanks Erik for your post and i hope it will be all good by the end of this month. And i will post my big apologies here if it start shipping by 29th October. I would like to shed some light on why am i so bent and twisted. We need this device to use for our business. i am waiting for the first one to arrive and if its all good as expected then we would order 25-30 of these pro1 devices. We have been using Nokia E7 for last many years, its form factor is what is suitable for our business process. so we have 30 of these Nokia E7 devices that we were regularly maintaining the hardware an
  5. What is actually annoying? doesnt it the keep delaying and each time giving dishonest timeline? Yes we wouldnt place the order if we knew its gonna keep delaying. At the time of payment FX clearly specified the timeline of shipment. Its not a crawdfunded project and i wouldve never signed up for crowdfunded. yes it was pre order but FX gave the timeline. And the last email they sent me mid october they cleary said they assure that it will be shipped before or at most by 29th october. I can see a clear pattern here repeating again and again, which is FX announce a shipping date and then
  6. Well so far unhappy people are proven to be correct. now another month of delay. I will come here on 1st november and will ask the happy people if they are still happy for the next delay until 29th of november. im sure some will still be. i wish to support FX team but looking at the history of these past 3 months i am sorry to say that i am pretty sure this pro1 will not be shipped this year. Time will tell all these happy people.
  7. Well to me its another disappointment. i know some people want to be positive but its not the matter of positive or negative. its about the facts. by now we all should have it but instead its no where to be seen. just two days ago Erik said they will start shipping in mid october and all of pre orders will be shipped by end of october. but now they say its not gonna start until 29th october. so basically they have bought another month now until they announce the next delay. unfortunately and sadly i am not seeing this device shipped in this year.
  8. Didn't i said earlier that FX team is telling everyone a different story, They emailed me yesterday and said we know for the fact that shipping will start in mid october. I dont know how people here are justifying them, its not a matter of small or big company or first time project. Its about being dishonest. its close to a scam. I would say this pro1 is not going to be shipped this year! AND I MENTIONED THAT EARLIER. they will keep doing this.
  9. Look guys getting few dollars reward means nothing. Its not all about money. for some like me its more about i am on halt not buying any other device and keep waiting. sure i and all other are still on it because there is no other option in the market similar to this. But if it keeps going like this that means its never going to be released and may eventually be cancelled by FX. And at the end of the day its not a super device, its just a phone with keyboard and laptop like factor. and i am now thing to get the keyboard case for another phone if i can find and that will give it similar to
  10. And how are you sure the Pro1 will come? what if after a while they will drop this final update that its cancelled. I am sure FX team want to release it so that they sell it and make money. but what is stopping them? the updates they keep posting is very similar excuses. so i am concerned that there is a big milestone or issue that they are not able to overcome and they can eventually cancel the project. i am not saying its the all truth because i dont know. but it seems like its heading towards cancelling the project
  11. Maybe look at from another angle then. mainstream is not intrested in this phone and only fans like us. and if many of them cancel then the pro1 itself will be cancelled
  12. Ok i make a pledge here. Regardless of when my order is shipped, if its start shipping in mid october then i will make an apology to FX team and everyone here in the forum about november. But if it gets another delay i will giveup and cancel my order and never return here ever!
  13. Thanks ErikFx for finally giving some updates. But this update doesn't look that promising. As you said most pre orders will be sent by end of october, and if i am the one not in those most then i will be getting it in november or if i do. so its coming to the same point, maybe november.
  14. I hope what casparbum has said is going to be true and it starts shipping this week. what i dont understand is why i got a very different reply from FX suggesting no near date. many here suggest that being a small company its ok. but no matter its a small or a big company, customers expect from them the honest information. This is FX website and forum but they dont have time to post any update here? while they have time to reply to individual emails and telling each one a different story. i am getting more and more suspicious.
  15. Hi Hook i am sorry, i am just frustrated. Well about my source, firstly if you remember back in September before the delay announcement some people started talking about october and later the delay was announced until october. so same way some here are now talking about november now which gives me the sense that its going to be november delay. secondly, so i emailed fx team and asked them to give me so approx date if its coming in early october. they replied that it will never be before mid october and because of no stock its more likely to be in november. so its clear that next delay is mos
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