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Posts posted by Foop

  1. I mothballed my Pro1x but am traveling internationally tomorrow, so I wanted to bring an unlocked phone.

    Pro1x red LED will light for about a second, then turn off.

    USB ammeter shows 0.1-0.2 amp draw while the LED is on, then back to zero. No screen activity.

    Is there a way to force it to take a charge, besides opening the phone up, and hooking the battery directly to my bench-top supply?

  2. I'm posting here because I'm not getting any responses to my emails. Hopefully, this gets to someone's eyes who can do something about the situation.



    August 2020: I receive my FXtec Pro1, and am in love with it. 

    March 2021: My touchscreen starts to go on the fritz, there is a dead band in the digitizer.

    April 2021: The microphone fails. I reach out to FXtec for a repair.

    April 27, 2021: I ship the phone back to FXtec so they can diagnose and repair the issue.

    May, 2021: FXtec receives, diagnoses, and repairs my phone. (New back cover, microphone, and screen)

    May 26, 2021: FXtec hands the phone off to the shipper..

    July 5th, 2021: I reached out to FXtec for an update. They figure out that the shipment was messed up and start looking into what happened.

    August 13, 2021: The shipping broker allegedly found the phone, and routed it back to FXtec. I was told that my issue was "at the very top of [their] list" and that I would be receiving updates soon. I didn't receive any updates.

    September 27, 2021: I receive an apology, and a promise that I will receive a Pro1X from the October shipment.

    October, two emails sent, no response.

    November 26, 2021: Told that they are expecting a shipment in December... No mention of why my phone wasn't pulled out of the October batch.

    Today, Feb 16, 2022: Multiple emails sent, multiple promises broken, nothing received. 


    I just want my phone back.


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  3. Hey folks,

    I'm dealing with the same thing, maybe?

    I've always had phantom touches when charging from an AC adapter, but about a week ago, I got a 10mm wide band right about where the number row in the on-screen keyboard is, that doesn't respond to touches. 

    FxTec told me to send the phone to them, and that they would turn it in at least a month, or maybe longer... So, 2 weeks shipping over, minimum 4 weeks in UK, 2 weeks back, and my 6 month old phone is out of my hands for 2 months? That won't work for me.

    Where can I buy a replacement screen? (Also my microphone just took a crap. Any idea where I can get a new microphone module as well?)

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  4. I wonder how many of you folks have ever worked in the electronics manufacturing industry, and truly understand what it takes to bring a product from concept to first deliveries. My background was in infrastructure telecom, so things like aesthetics weren't as large an issue as consumer-level equipment, but that didn't really make life much easier for us.

    Y'all need to take a nice relaxing walk outside...

    1. This is a startup company, presumably building a brand new piece of hardware from the ground-up, and without the benefit of established supply chains, parts vendors, manufacturing facilities, etc.

    2. The last 5-row physical keyboard on a cellphone was, what, 10 years ago? In technology land, that's generations old. It would be like NASA deciding to build a new batch of Saturn V rockets and Apollo modules. Yes, we have the specs and designs, but no one around retained the institutional knowledge necessary to build it, so it's essentially like starting from scratch.

    3. Prototype iterations take time! I guarantee that after 3 months of having the phone, you'll have forgotten about the delays if it meets your expectations. If it's a dog, you'll curse them until the day you die. It's worth the extra time for another pre-production tweak to make sure it meets design standards. Could they have handled communication better? Yes, of course, but that would either take more people, increasing payroll, and increasing the cost to consumers for the phone, or take up more time from an existing employee, delaying production. Sit back, relax, smoke 'em if you got 'em, and chill. Assuming the phone is a success, they will grow as a company, develop a pro2, and add a dedicated PR person to handle press requests and customer interaction.

    When I was running production, even a bog-standard production run of a product that we made thousands of before could go pear-shaped. Counterfeit components, PCB manufacturing flaws, untested revisions by engineering, improper part substitutions by vendors, shoddy workmanship, customs holds, a container ship sinking... I've seen it all. First-runs, however, were always a reason for lots of lost sleep, stress-eating, and overtime doing hand-rework. We could just put a bodge-wire on a board and cut a trace, or do some fancy component piggybacking, but since these are small-pitch SMD devices that will be thrown around a lot, there isn't that option... it has to be just right when production ramps up.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you wanted instant gratification, you should have waited until the product was shipping to buy it. Pre-orders are, by definition, a bit of a gamble, and if you didn't understand that, It's on you. 

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