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Posts posted by MalteM

  1. On 1/22/2021 at 1:15 AM, JordanKirsch83 said:

    I'm curious why I would pay more for a used pro 1 one than a brand new one? 

    Indiegogo has the 8gb 256 gb storage for $759 I think I'll just bite that bullet. I wouldn't pay over $500 for a used one when I can get a brand new one for $699.  Thanks anyways.

    You pay more because you're guaranteed to get it, and you'd get it faster.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Hook said:

    Posted on Discord.  🙂


    Thank you so much!

    1 minute ago, Doktor Oswaldo said:

    ~wow good condition for that price, I am sure this will sell pretty fast!~ Nevermind, thought it was a asking price, instead of a starting price, still pretty good condition judging from the photos

    Yes, I would say condition is quite good! Tried to keep it in good condition.

    • Like 1
  3. I just posted mine for sale. It's a QWERTZ in quite good condition and you can find it here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/293952256604

    I don't have discord, so if anyone wants they could put my link on there, so people there know about it - thank you very much if you do that.

    Will answer questions here or in DM.

    All the best,

  4. On 11/27/2020 at 8:37 AM, SOFO said:

    Why don't you sell it here?

    What are your price expectasions?


    On 11/25/2020 at 12:10 AM, pebert said:

    Otherwise just sell it to me, I have realized that the QWERTZ keyboard is better for Swedish. 

    And, I also realized that one device isn't enough for doing all the software evaluation I want to do. 

    Hmm well, I would be happy if I atleast got back what I payed for it. So selling price, basically, but I wanted to try auction because maybe there was a high demand for it and I might get more than that for it. That may sound greedy but I am financially in a tight spot between jobs and basically down to zero so that's why I want to auction it. Maybe I am wrong in that demand assumption though as it hasn't attracted that much attention here yet. Condition is a bit used but in my opinion not that much, depends on how picky one is but to me it is a used but totally ok/fine condition. Used 2-3 months.

  5. Hello,


    I am parting ways with my Pro1. Simply put, it was not for me. I like Blackberry type portrait keyboards, and after 2 months of use, I realized I did not use the keyboard at all, basically.

    I am wondering if anyone can say where I should best post the phone for sale. I want it to go on auction. Ebay seems to demand for me to have sold 10 items before I'm allowed to sell anything internationally (I live in Sweden). It's a QWERTZ if anyone's wondering. It has some use, but not much.


    Thank you,

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  6. Actually, I find the physical keyboard on the Pro1 cumbersome to use. Too big? I have small hands. And find it hard to get up to typing speed. In fact, I have hardly tried to do so - find myself using the touch keyboard almost all the time. Do others have an experience that the keyboard can take some time to get used to? My fav keyboard phone was the Blackberry Priv which has a whole different kind of setup with a very small keyboard, comparatively. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, Hook said:

    Lineage is definitely not alpha.  As of the official version, I wouldn't even call it beta.  It is a full and stable alternate version of Android tuned to the Pro1.  It will now get security updates as they are published and tweaks will happen as new things are discovered.

    And, no, dual boot is not possible on the Pro1





    That sounds great. Am having some bluetooth issues as well as experiencing the phone being sluggish overall. So was thinking other OS's might adress these issues. As well as being better options in the long run, with a bit more dedicated developers? Anyhow, looks like it'll be Lineage OS for me. Thanks a lot.

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