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  1. where did you purchased uniherz titan ? Im from EU and see no stock since July 2020
  2. who are the " editors of the outlets Fxtec advertises" ?
  3. I just asked know for availability. we cannot be waiting motnhs and months.
  4. Hello guys, please keep us updated. I did not purchased still, cause waitng for stock before to pull the bits. And I also know of many people waiting months and months after they paid and still no delivery. Sincerely, Alejandro, Mr. Goodyes
  5. He cheated on me, and when I discovered him, he told me a few minutes later that he had already sold it to someone else
  6. ve aware with aag, a sca, a phising he tried to make with me . Fortunately I did not paid
  7. I replied to you. I will pay to you via bank transfer. I only request from you any document that show who are you and that you will send me the phone. I can pay tomorrow (thursday)
  8. Im considering buying one. But seeing this I will do not
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